@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+// Constants for the keyboard.
+var KEY_LEFT = 37;
+var KEY_RIGHT = 39;
+var KEY_SPACE = 32;
+// Creates an instance of the Game class.
+function Game() {
+ // Set the initial config.
+ this.config = {
+ bombRate: 0.05,
+ bombMinVelocity: 50,
+ bombMaxVelocity: 50,
+ invaderInitialVelocity: 25,
+ invaderAcceleration: 0,
+ invaderDropDistance: 20,
+ rocketVelocity: 120,
+ rocketMaxFireRate: 2,
+ gameWidth: 400,
+ gameHeight: 300,
+ fps: 50,
+ debugMode: false,
+ invaderRanks: 5,
+ invaderFiles: 10,
+ shipSpeed: 120,
+ levelDifficultyMultiplier: 0.2,
+ pointsPerInvader: 5,
+ limitLevelIncrease: 25
+ };
+ // All state is in the variables below.
+ this.lives = 3;
+ this.width = 0;
+ this.height = 0;
+ this.gameBounds = {left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0};
+ this.intervalId = 0;
+ this.score = 0;
+ this.level = 1;
+ // The state stack.
+ this.stateStack = [];
+ // Input/output
+ this.pressedKeys = {};
+ this.gameCanvas = null;
+ // All sounds.
+ this.sounds = null;
+ // The previous x position, used for touch.
+ this.previousX = 0;
+// Initialis the Game with a canvas.
+Game.prototype.initialise = function(gameCanvas) {
+ // Set the game canvas.
+ this.gameCanvas = gameCanvas;
+ // Set the game width and height.
+ this.width = gameCanvas.width;
+ this.height = gameCanvas.height;
+ // Set the state game bounds.
+ this.gameBounds = {
+ left: gameCanvas.width / 2 - this.config.gameWidth / 2,
+ right: gameCanvas.width / 2 + this.config.gameWidth / 2,
+ top: gameCanvas.height / 2 - this.config.gameHeight / 2,
+ bottom: gameCanvas.height / 2 + this.config.gameHeight / 2,
+ };
+Game.prototype.moveToState = function(state) {
+ // If we are in a state, leave it.
+ if(this.currentState() && this.currentState().leave) {
+ this.currentState().leave(game);
+ this.stateStack.pop();
+ }
+ // If there's an enter function for the new state, call it.
+ if(state.enter) {
+ state.enter(game);
+ }
+ // Set the current state.
+ this.stateStack.pop();
+ this.stateStack.push(state);
+ };
+// Start the Game.
+Game.prototype.start = function() {
+ // Move into the 'welcome' state.
+ this.moveToState(new WelcomeState());
+ // Set the game variables.
+ this.lives = 3;
+ this.config.debugMode = /debug=true/.test(window.location.href);
+ // Start the game loop.
+ var game = this;
+ this.intervalId = setInterval(function () { GameLoop(game);}, 1000 / this.config.fps);
+// Returns the current state.
+Game.prototype.currentState = function() {
+ return this.stateStack.length > 0 ? this.stateStack[this.stateStack.length - 1] : null;
+// Mutes or unmutes the game.
+Game.prototype.mute = function(mute) {
+ // If we've been told to mute, mute.
+ if(mute === true) {
+ this.sounds.mute = true;
+ } else if (mute === false) {
+ this.sounds.mute = false;
+ } else {
+ // Toggle mute instead...
+ this.sounds.mute = this.sounds.mute ? false : true;
+ }
+// The main loop.
+function GameLoop(game) {
+ var currentState = game.currentState();
+ if(currentState) {
+ // Delta t is the time to update/draw.
+ var dt = 1 / game.config.fps;
+ // Get the drawing context.
+ var ctx = this.gameCanvas.getContext("2d");
+ // Update if we have an update function. Also draw
+ // if we have a draw function.
+ if(currentState.update) {
+ currentState.update(game, dt);
+ }
+ if(currentState.draw) {
+ currentState.draw(game, dt, ctx);
+ }
+ }
+Game.prototype.pushState = function(state) {
+ // If there's an enter function for the new state, call it.
+ if(state.enter) {
+ state.enter(game);
+ }
+ // Set the current state.
+ this.stateStack.push(state);
+Game.prototype.popState = function() {
+ // Leave and pop the state.
+ if(this.currentState()) {
+ if(this.currentState().leave) {
+ this.currentState().leave(game);
+ }
+ // Set the current state.
+ this.stateStack.pop();
+ }
+// The stop function stops the game.
+Game.prototype.stop = function Stop() {
+ clearInterval(this.intervalId);
+// Inform the game a key is down.
+Game.prototype.keyDown = function(keyCode) {
+ this.pressedKeys[keyCode] = true;
+ // Delegate to the current state too.
+ if(this.currentState() && this.currentState().keyDown) {
+ this.currentState().keyDown(this, keyCode);
+ }
+Game.prototype.touchstart = function(s) {
+ if(this.currentState() && this.currentState().keyDown) {
+ this.currentState().keyDown(this, KEY_SPACE);
+ }
+Game.prototype.touchend = function(s) {
+ delete this.pressedKeys[KEY_RIGHT];
+ delete this.pressedKeys[KEY_LEFT];
+Game.prototype.touchmove = function(e) {
+ var currentX = e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
+ if (this.previousX > 0) {
+ if (currentX > this.previousX) {
+ delete this.pressedKeys[KEY_LEFT];
+ this.pressedKeys[KEY_RIGHT] = true;
+ } else {
+ delete this.pressedKeys[KEY_RIGHT];
+ this.pressedKeys[KEY_LEFT] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ this.previousX = currentX;
+// Inform the game a key is up.
+Game.prototype.keyUp = function(keyCode) {
+ delete this.pressedKeys[keyCode];
+ // Delegate to the current state too.
+ if(this.currentState() && this.currentState().keyUp) {
+ this.currentState().keyUp(this, keyCode);
+ }
+function WelcomeState() {
+WelcomeState.prototype.enter = function(game) {
+ // Create and load the sounds.
+ game.sounds = new Sounds();
+ game.sounds.init();
+ game.sounds.loadSound('shoot', 'sounds/shoot.wav');
+ game.sounds.loadSound('bang', 'sounds/bang.wav');
+ game.sounds.loadSound('explosion', 'sounds/explosion.wav');
+WelcomeState.prototype.update = function (game, dt) {
+WelcomeState.prototype.draw = function(game, dt, ctx) {
+ // Clear the background.
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, game.width, game.height);
+ ctx.font="30px Arial";
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
+ ctx.textBaseline="middle";
+ ctx.textAlign="center";
+ ctx.fillText("Space Invaders", game.width / 2, game.height/2 - 40);
+ ctx.font="16px Arial";
+ ctx.fillText("Press 'Space' or touch to start.", game.width / 2, game.height/2);
+WelcomeState.prototype.keyDown = function(game, keyCode) {
+ if(keyCode == KEY_SPACE) {
+ // Space starts the game.
+ game.level = 1;
+ game.score = 0;
+ game.lives = 3;
+ game.moveToState(new LevelIntroState(game.level));
+ }
+function GameOverState() {
+GameOverState.prototype.update = function(game, dt) {
+GameOverState.prototype.draw = function(game, dt, ctx) {
+ // Clear the background.
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, game.width, game.height);
+ ctx.font="30px Arial";
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
+ ctx.textBaseline="center";
+ ctx.textAlign="center";
+ ctx.fillText("Game Over!", game.width / 2, game.height/2 - 40);
+ ctx.font="16px Arial";
+ ctx.fillText("You scored " + game.score + " and got to level " + game.level, game.width / 2, game.height/2);
+ ctx.font="16px Arial";
+ ctx.fillText("Press 'Space' to play again.", game.width / 2, game.height/2 + 40);
+GameOverState.prototype.keyDown = function(game, keyCode) {
+ if(keyCode == KEY_SPACE) {
+ // Space restarts the game.
+ game.lives = 3;
+ game.score = 0;
+ game.level = 1;
+ game.moveToState(new LevelIntroState(1));
+ }
+// Create a PlayState with the game config and the level you are on.
+function PlayState(config, level) {
+ this.config = config;
+ this.level = level;
+ // Game state.
+ this.invaderCurrentVelocity = 10;
+ this.invaderCurrentDropDistance = 0;
+ this.invadersAreDropping = false;
+ this.lastRocketTime = null;
+ // Game entities.
+ this.ship = null;
+ this.invaders = [];
+ this.rockets = [];
+ this.bombs = [];
+PlayState.prototype.enter = function(game) {
+ // Create the ship.
+ this.ship = new Ship(game.width / 2, game.gameBounds.bottom);
+ // Setup initial state.
+ this.invaderCurrentVelocity = 10;
+ this.invaderCurrentDropDistance = 0;
+ this.invadersAreDropping = false;
+ // Set the ship speed for this level, as well as invader params.
+ var levelMultiplier = this.level * this.config.levelDifficultyMultiplier;
+ var limitLevel = (this.level < this.config.limitLevelIncrease ? this.level : this.config.limitLevelIncrease);
+ this.shipSpeed = this.config.shipSpeed;
+ this.invaderInitialVelocity = this.config.invaderInitialVelocity + 1.5 * (levelMultiplier * this.config.invaderInitialVelocity);
+ this.bombRate = this.config.bombRate + (levelMultiplier * this.config.bombRate);
+ this.bombMinVelocity = this.config.bombMinVelocity + (levelMultiplier * this.config.bombMinVelocity);
+ this.bombMaxVelocity = this.config.bombMaxVelocity + (levelMultiplier * this.config.bombMaxVelocity);
+ this.rocketMaxFireRate = this.config.rocketMaxFireRate + 0.4 * limitLevel;
+ // Create the invaders.
+ var ranks = this.config.invaderRanks + 0.1 * limitLevel;
+ var files = this.config.invaderFiles + 0.2 * limitLevel;
+ var invaders = [];
+ for(var rank = 0; rank < ranks; rank++){
+ for(var file = 0; file < files; file++) {
+ invaders.push(new Invader(
+ (game.width / 2) + ((files/2 - file) * 200 / files),
+ (game.gameBounds.top + rank * 20),
+ rank, file, 'Invader'));
+ }
+ }
+ this.invaders = invaders;
+ this.invaderCurrentVelocity = this.invaderInitialVelocity;
+ this.invaderVelocity = {x: -this.invaderInitialVelocity, y:0};
+ this.invaderNextVelocity = null;
+PlayState.prototype.update = function(game, dt) {
+ // If the left or right arrow keys are pressed, move
+ // the ship. Check this on ticks rather than via a keydown
+ // event for smooth movement, otherwise the ship would move
+ // more like a text editor caret.
+ if(game.pressedKeys[KEY_LEFT]) {
+ this.ship.x -= this.shipSpeed * dt;
+ }
+ if(game.pressedKeys[KEY_RIGHT]) {
+ this.ship.x += this.shipSpeed * dt;
+ }
+ if(game.pressedKeys[KEY_SPACE]) {
+ this.fireRocket();
+ }
+ // Keep the ship in bounds.
+ if(this.ship.x < game.gameBounds.left) {
+ this.ship.x = game.gameBounds.left;
+ }
+ if(this.ship.x > game.gameBounds.right) {
+ this.ship.x = game.gameBounds.right;
+ }
+ // Move each bomb.
+ for(var i=0; i<this.bombs.length; i++) {
+ var bomb = this.bombs[i];
+ bomb.y += dt * bomb.velocity;
+ // If the rocket has gone off the screen remove it.
+ if(bomb.y > this.height) {
+ this.bombs.splice(i--, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Move each rocket.
+ for(i=0; i<this.rockets.length; i++) {
+ var rocket = this.rockets[i];
+ rocket.y -= dt * rocket.velocity;
+ // If the rocket has gone off the screen remove it.
+ if(rocket.y < 0) {
+ this.rockets.splice(i--, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Move the invaders.
+ var hitLeft = false, hitRight = false, hitBottom = false;
+ for(i=0; i<this.invaders.length; i++) {
+ var invader = this.invaders[i];
+ var newx = invader.x + this.invaderVelocity.x * dt;
+ var newy = invader.y + this.invaderVelocity.y * dt;
+ if(hitLeft == false && newx < game.gameBounds.left) {
+ hitLeft = true;
+ }
+ else if(hitRight == false && newx > game.gameBounds.right) {
+ hitRight = true;
+ }
+ else if(hitBottom == false && newy > game.gameBounds.bottom) {
+ hitBottom = true;
+ }
+ if(!hitLeft && !hitRight && !hitBottom) {
+ invader.x = newx;
+ invader.y = newy;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update invader velocities.
+ if(this.invadersAreDropping) {
+ this.invaderCurrentDropDistance += this.invaderVelocity.y * dt;
+ if(this.invaderCurrentDropDistance >= this.config.invaderDropDistance) {
+ this.invadersAreDropping = false;
+ this.invaderVelocity = this.invaderNextVelocity;
+ this.invaderCurrentDropDistance = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we've hit the left, move down then right.
+ if(hitLeft) {
+ this.invaderCurrentVelocity += this.config.invaderAcceleration;
+ this.invaderVelocity = {x: 0, y:this.invaderCurrentVelocity };
+ this.invadersAreDropping = true;
+ this.invaderNextVelocity = {x: this.invaderCurrentVelocity , y:0};
+ }
+ // If we've hit the right, move down then left.
+ if(hitRight) {
+ this.invaderCurrentVelocity += this.config.invaderAcceleration;
+ this.invaderVelocity = {x: 0, y:this.invaderCurrentVelocity };
+ this.invadersAreDropping = true;
+ this.invaderNextVelocity = {x: -this.invaderCurrentVelocity , y:0};
+ }
+ // If we've hit the bottom, it's game over.
+ if(hitBottom) {
+ game.lives = 0;
+ }
+ // Check for rocket/invader collisions.
+ for(i=0; i<this.invaders.length; i++) {
+ var invader = this.invaders[i];
+ var bang = false;
+ for(var j=0; j<this.rockets.length; j++){
+ var rocket = this.rockets[j];
+ if(rocket.x >= (invader.x - invader.width/2) && rocket.x <= (invader.x + invader.width/2) &&
+ rocket.y >= (invader.y - invader.height/2) && rocket.y <= (invader.y + invader.height/2)) {
+ // Remove the rocket, set 'bang' so we don't process
+ // this rocket again.
+ this.rockets.splice(j--, 1);
+ bang = true;
+ game.score += this.config.pointsPerInvader;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bang) {
+ this.invaders.splice(i--, 1);
+ game.sounds.playSound('bang');
+ }
+ }
+ // Find all of the front rank invaders.
+ var frontRankInvaders = {};
+ for(var i=0; i<this.invaders.length; i++) {
+ var invader = this.invaders[i];
+ // If we have no invader for game file, or the invader
+ // for game file is futher behind, set the front
+ // rank invader to game one.
+ if(!frontRankInvaders[invader.file] || frontRankInvaders[invader.file].rank < invader.rank) {
+ frontRankInvaders[invader.file] = invader;
+ }
+ }
+ // Give each front rank invader a chance to drop a bomb.
+ for(var i=0; i<this.config.invaderFiles; i++) {
+ var invader = frontRankInvaders[i];
+ if(!invader) continue;
+ var chance = this.bombRate * dt;
+ if(chance > Math.random()) {
+ // Fire!
+ this.bombs.push(new Bomb(invader.x, invader.y + invader.height / 2,
+ this.bombMinVelocity + Math.random()*(this.bombMaxVelocity - this.bombMinVelocity)));
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for bomb/ship collisions.
+ for(var i=0; i<this.bombs.length; i++) {
+ var bomb = this.bombs[i];
+ if(bomb.x >= (this.ship.x - this.ship.width/2) && bomb.x <= (this.ship.x + this.ship.width/2) &&
+ bomb.y >= (this.ship.y - this.ship.height/2) && bomb.y <= (this.ship.y + this.ship.height/2)) {
+ this.bombs.splice(i--, 1);
+ game.lives--;
+ game.sounds.playSound('explosion');
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for invader/ship collisions.
+ for(var i=0; i<this.invaders.length; i++) {
+ var invader = this.invaders[i];
+ if((invader.x + invader.width/2) > (this.ship.x - this.ship.width/2) &&
+ (invader.x - invader.width/2) < (this.ship.x + this.ship.width/2) &&
+ (invader.y + invader.height/2) > (this.ship.y - this.ship.height/2) &&
+ (invader.y - invader.height/2) < (this.ship.y + this.ship.height/2)) {
+ // Dead by collision!
+ game.lives = 0;
+ game.sounds.playSound('explosion');
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for failure
+ if(game.lives <= 0) {
+ game.moveToState(new GameOverState());
+ }
+ // Check for victory
+ if(this.invaders.length === 0) {
+ game.score += this.level * 50;
+ game.level += 1;
+ game.moveToState(new LevelIntroState(game.level));
+ }
+PlayState.prototype.draw = function(game, dt, ctx) {
+ // Clear the background.
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, game.width, game.height);
+ // Draw ship.
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#999999';
+ ctx.fillRect(this.ship.x - (this.ship.width / 2), this.ship.y - (this.ship.height / 2), this.ship.width, this.ship.height);
+ // Draw invaders.
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#006600';
+ for(var i=0; i<this.invaders.length; i++) {
+ var invader = this.invaders[i];
+ ctx.fillRect(invader.x - invader.width/2, invader.y - invader.height/2, invader.width, invader.height);
+ }
+ // Draw bombs.
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#ff5555';
+ for(var i=0; i<this.bombs.length; i++) {
+ var bomb = this.bombs[i];
+ ctx.fillRect(bomb.x - 2, bomb.y - 2, 4, 4);
+ }
+ // Draw rockets.
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#ff0000';
+ for(var i=0; i<this.rockets.length; i++) {
+ var rocket = this.rockets[i];
+ ctx.fillRect(rocket.x, rocket.y - 2, 1, 4);
+ }
+ // Draw info.
+ var textYpos = game.gameBounds.bottom + ((game.height - game.gameBounds.bottom) / 2) + 14/2;
+ ctx.font="14px Arial";
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
+ var info = "Lives: " + game.lives;
+ ctx.textAlign = "left";
+ ctx.fillText(info, game.gameBounds.left, textYpos);
+ info = "Score: " + game.score + ", Level: " + game.level;
+ ctx.textAlign = "right";
+ ctx.fillText(info, game.gameBounds.right, textYpos);
+ // If we're in debug mode, draw bounds.
+ if(this.config.debugMode) {
+ ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0000';
+ ctx.strokeRect(0,0,game.width, game.height);
+ ctx.strokeRect(game.gameBounds.left, game.gameBounds.top,
+ game.gameBounds.right - game.gameBounds.left,
+ game.gameBounds.bottom - game.gameBounds.top);
+ }
+PlayState.prototype.keyDown = function(game, keyCode) {
+ if(keyCode == KEY_SPACE) {
+ // Fire!
+ this.fireRocket();
+ }
+ if(keyCode == 80) {
+ // Push the pause state.
+ game.pushState(new PauseState());
+ }
+PlayState.prototype.keyUp = function(game, keyCode) {
+PlayState.prototype.fireRocket = function() {
+ // If we have no last rocket time, or the last rocket time
+ // is older than the max rocket rate, we can fire.
+ if(this.lastRocketTime === null || ((new Date()).valueOf() - this.lastRocketTime) > (1000 / this.rocketMaxFireRate))
+ {
+ // Add a rocket.
+ this.rockets.push(new Rocket(this.ship.x, this.ship.y - 12, this.config.rocketVelocity));
+ this.lastRocketTime = (new Date()).valueOf();
+ // Play the 'shoot' sound.
+ game.sounds.playSound('shoot');
+ }
+function PauseState() {
+PauseState.prototype.keyDown = function(game, keyCode) {
+ if(keyCode == 80) {
+ // Pop the pause state.
+ game.popState();
+ }
+PauseState.prototype.draw = function(game, dt, ctx) {
+ // Clear the background.
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, game.width, game.height);
+ ctx.font="14px Arial";
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
+ ctx.textBaseline="middle";
+ ctx.textAlign="center";
+ ctx.fillText("Paused", game.width / 2, game.height/2);
+ return;
+ Level Intro State
+ The Level Intro state shows a 'Level X' message and
+ a countdown for the level.
+function LevelIntroState(level) {
+ this.level = level;
+ this.countdownMessage = "3";
+LevelIntroState.prototype.update = function(game, dt) {
+ // Update the countdown.
+ if(this.countdown === undefined) {
+ this.countdown = 3; // countdown from 3 secs
+ }
+ this.countdown -= dt;
+ if(this.countdown < 2) {
+ this.countdownMessage = "2";
+ }
+ if(this.countdown < 1) {
+ this.countdownMessage = "1";
+ }
+ if(this.countdown <= 0) {
+ // Move to the next level, popping this state.
+ game.moveToState(new PlayState(game.config, this.level));
+ }
+LevelIntroState.prototype.draw = function(game, dt, ctx) {
+ // Clear the background.
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, game.width, game.height);
+ ctx.font="36px Arial";
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
+ ctx.textBaseline="middle";
+ ctx.textAlign="center";
+ ctx.fillText("Level " + this.level, game.width / 2, game.height/2);
+ ctx.font="24px Arial";
+ ctx.fillText("Ready in " + this.countdownMessage, game.width / 2, game.height/2 + 36);
+ return;
+ Ship
+ The ship has a position and that's about it.
+function Ship(x, y) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ this.width = 20;
+ this.height = 16;
+ Rocket
+ Fired by the ship, they've got a position, velocity and state.
+ */
+function Rocket(x, y, velocity) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ this.velocity = velocity;
+ Bomb
+ Dropped by invaders, they've got position, velocity.
+function Bomb(x, y, velocity) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ this.velocity = velocity;
+ Invader
+ Invader's have position, type, rank/file and that's about it.
+function Invader(x, y, rank, file, type) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ this.rank = rank;
+ this.file = file;
+ this.type = type;
+ this.width = 18;
+ this.height = 14;
+ Game State
+ A Game State is simply an update and draw proc.
+ When a game is in the state, the update and draw procs are
+ called, with a dt value (dt is delta time, i.e. the number)
+ of seconds to update or draw).
+function GameState(updateProc, drawProc, keyDown, keyUp, enter, leave) {
+ this.updateProc = updateProc;
+ this.drawProc = drawProc;
+ this.keyDown = keyDown;
+ this.keyUp = keyUp;
+ this.enter = enter;
+ this.leave = leave;
+ Sounds
+ The sounds class is used to asynchronously load sounds and allow
+ them to be played.
+function Sounds() {
+ // The audio context.
+ this.audioContext = null;
+ // The actual set of loaded sounds.
+ this.sounds = {};
+Sounds.prototype.init = function() {
+ // Create the audio context, paying attention to webkit browsers.
+ context = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
+ this.audioContext = new context();
+ this.mute = false;
+Sounds.prototype.loadSound = function(name, url) {
+ // Reference to ourselves for closures.
+ var self = this;
+ // Create an entry in the sounds object.
+ this.sounds[name] = null;
+ // Create an asynchronous request for the sound.
+ var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ req.open('GET', url, true);
+ req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
+ req.onload = function() {
+ self.audioContext.decodeAudioData(req.response, function(buffer) {
+ self.sounds[name] = {buffer: buffer};
+ });
+ };
+ try {
+ req.send();
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.log("An exception occured getting sound the sound " + name + " this might be " +
+ "because the page is running from the file system, not a webserver.");
+ console.log(e);
+ }
+Sounds.prototype.playSound = function(name) {
+ // If we've not got the sound, don't bother playing it.
+ if(this.sounds[name] === undefined || this.sounds[name] === null || this.mute === true) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create a sound source, set the buffer, connect to the speakers and
+ // play the sound.
+ var source = this.audioContext.createBufferSource();
+ source.buffer = this.sounds[name].buffer;
+ source.connect(this.audioContext.destination);
+ source.start(0);