#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" """ This file is part of the UFONet project, https://ufonet.03c8.net Copyright (c) 2013/2024 | psy You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with UFONet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ ################################################################### # Code extracted from project: AnonTwi (anontwi.03c8.net) ################################################################### KEY_SIZE = 32 BLOCK_SIZE = 16 MAC_SIZE = 20 import base64 from os import urandom from hashlib import sha1, sha256 from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES trans_5C = ''.join([chr (x ^ 0x5c) for x in range(256)]) trans_36 = ''.join([chr (x ^ 0x36) for x in range(256)]) trans_5C = trans_5C.encode("latin-1") trans_36 = trans_36.encode("latin-1") def hmac_sha1(key, msg): if len(key) > 20: key = sha1(key).digest() key += chr(0).encode('utf-8') * (20 - len(key)) o_key_pad = key.translate(trans_5C) i_key_pad = key.translate(trans_36) return sha1(o_key_pad + sha1(i_key_pad + msg).digest()).digest() def derive_keys(key): h = sha256() h.update(key) h.update('cipher'.encode('utf-8')) cipher_key = h.digest() h = sha256() h.update(key) h.update('mac'.encode('utf-8')) mac_key = h.digest() return (cipher_key, mac_key) def generate_key(): return base64.b64encode(urandom(KEY_SIZE)) class Cipher(object): def __init__(self, key="", text=""): self.block_size = 16 self.mac_size = 20 self.key = self.set_key(key) self.text = self.set_text(text) self.mode = AES.MODE_CFB def set_key(self, key): try: key = base64.b64decode(key) except TypeError: raise ValueError self.key = key return self.key def set_text(self, text): self.text = text.encode("utf-8") return self.text def encrypt(self): if BLOCK_SIZE + len(self.text) + MAC_SIZE > 105: self.text = self.text[:105 - BLOCK_SIZE - MAC_SIZE] (cipher_key, mac_key) = derive_keys(self.key) iv = urandom(BLOCK_SIZE) aes = AES.new(cipher_key, self.mode, iv) ciphertext = aes.encrypt(self.text) mac = hmac_sha1(mac_key, iv + ciphertext) return base64.b64encode(iv + ciphertext + mac) def decrypt(self): try: iv_ciphertext_mac = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(self.text) except: try: padding = len(self.text) % 4 if padding == 1: return '' elif padding == 2: self.text += b'==' elif padding == 3: self.text += b'=' iv_ciphertext_mac = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(self.text) except TypeError: return None iv = iv_ciphertext_mac[:BLOCK_SIZE] ciphertext = iv_ciphertext_mac[BLOCK_SIZE:-MAC_SIZE] mac = iv_ciphertext_mac[-MAC_SIZE:] (cipher_key, mac_key) = derive_keys(self.key) expected_mac = hmac_sha1(mac_key, iv + ciphertext) if mac != expected_mac: return None aes = AES.new(cipher_key, self.mode, iv) return aes.decrypt(ciphertext) if __name__ == "__main__": print("\nUFONet Crypter (AES256+HMAC-SHA1) -> (140 plain text chars = 69 encrypted chars)\n") text = str(input("-> Enter TEXT: ")) input_key = str(input("\n-> Enter KEY: ")) key = base64.b64encode(input_key.encode('utf-8')) c = Cipher(key, text) msg = c.encrypt() msg = msg.decode('utf-8') c.set_text(msg) print("\n" + " " + '-'*44) print('\n-> Ciphertext: [', msg, ']') print('\n-> Length:', len(msg)) print("\n" + " " + '-'*44) print('\n-> Key (share it using SNEAKNET!):', input_key) print('\n-> Decryption PoC:', c.decrypt().decode('utf-8'), "\n")