123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256 |
- """
- This file is part of the UFONet project, https://ufonet.03c8.net
- Copyright (c) 2013/2020 | psy <epsylon@riseup.net>
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with UFONet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- """
- import socket, threading, re, os, time, base64, traceback
- import webbrowser, subprocess, json, sys, shlex
- import urllib.request, urllib.error
- from urllib.parse import urlparse as urlparse
- from .main import UFONet
- try:
- import pygeoip
- except:
- print("\n[Error] [AI] Cannot import lib: pygeoip. \n\n To install it try:\n\n $ 'sudo apt-get install python3-geoip' or 'pip3 install pygeoip'\n")
- sys.exit(2)
- class AjaxMap(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.geo_db_mirror1 = 'https://turina.space/bordercheck/maps.tar.gz'
- self._geoip=None
- self._geoasn=None
- self._geoipstatus='nomap'
- self._err=''
- ufonet = UFONet()
- ufonet.create_options()
- try:
- self.zombies = ufonet.extract_zombies()
- aliens_army = ufonet.extract_aliens()
- droids_army = ufonet.extract_droids()
- ucavs_army = ufonet.extract_ucavs()
- rpcs_army = ufonet.extract_rpcs()
- self.zombies.extend(aliens_army)
- self.zombies.extend(droids_army)
- self.zombies.extend(ucavs_army)
- self.zombies.extend(rpcs_army)
- except:
- return
- def get_err(self):
- return self._err
- def get_status(self):
- if os.path.exists('maps.downloading'):
- if not os.path.exists('maps.downloadmsg'):
- f=open("maps.downloadmsg","wb")
- f.write("".encode('utf-8'))
- f.close()
- print("[Info] [AI] [Control] GeoIP data download started! -> [OK!]\n")
- self._geoipstatus='downloading'
- elif os.path.isdir('maps'):
- if self._geoip == None :
- self._geoip = pygeoip.GeoIP('maps/GeoLiteCity.dat')
- if self._geoasn == None :
- self._geoasn = pygeoip.GeoIP('maps/GeoIPASNum.dat')
- if os.path.exists("maps.downloadmsg") :
- os.remove("maps.downloadmsg")
- self._geoipstatus='ok'
- return self._geoipstatus
- def retrieve(self,url,name):
- try:
- handle = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
- CHUNK = 16384
- with open(name,'wb') as fp:
- while True:
- chunk = handle.read(CHUNK)
- if not chunk:
- break
- fp.write(chunk)
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- def download_maps(self):
- if self.get_status() != 'nomap':
- return self._geoipstatus == 'ok'
- if os.path.exists("maps.downloadmsg"):
- os.remove("maps.downloadmsg")
- f=open("maps.downloading",'w')
- f.write("download started<script>$'('#ufomsg').load('/js/ajax.js?fetchmap=')")
- f.close()
- self._geoipstatus="downloading"
- try:
- print("\n[Info] [AI] Fetching maps from 'Turina Server':", self.geo_db_mirror1 + "\n")
- response = self.retrieve(self.geo_db_mirror1, 'maps.tar.gz')
- except:
- print(("[Error] [AI] Something wrong fetching maps from remote servers! -> [Aborting!]"), "\n")
- traceback.print_exc()
- return False
- subprocess.call(shlex.split('tar zxfv maps.tar.gz'))
- print("\n[Info] [AI] [Control] GeoIP maps and databases -> [OK!]\n")
- self._geoip = pygeoip.GeoIP('maps/GeoLiteCity.dat')
- self._geoasn = pygeoip.GeoIP('maps/GeoIPASNum.dat')
- self._geoipstatus='ok'
- os.remove('maps.tar.gz')
- os.remove('maps.downloading')
- return True
- def geo_ip(self, zombie):
- if self.get_status() != 'ok':
- if self._geoipstatus =='downloading':
- print("\n[Info] [AI] [Control] GeoIP maps and databases -> [Downloading!]\n")
- self._err= "ufomsg('[Info] [AI] Downloading maps... -> [Waiting!]')"
- elif not os.path.exists('maps/GeoIPASNum.dat') or not os.path.exists('maps/GeoLiteCity.dat'):
- print("\n[Info] [AI] GeoIP maps and databases -> [Starting!]\n")
- self._err= "ufomsg('[Info] [AI] Map download starting')\n$('#ufomsg').load('/js/ajax.js?fetchgeoip=')"
- else:
- print("\n[Error] [AI] GeoIP maps and databases: FAILED! -> [Discarding!]\n")
- self._err= "ufomsg('<font color='red'>[Info] [AI]</font> Maps: unknown error -> [Discarding!]')"
- return None
- if re.match(r'^127\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$', zombie) or re.match(r'^10\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$', zombie) or re.match(r'^192.168\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$', zombie) or re.match(r'^172.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]).[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$', zombie) or re.match('localhost', zombie):
- self._err= "ufomsg('<font color='red'>[Info] [AI] [Control]</font> Maps: invalid ip data -> [Discarding!]')"
- return None
- geo_zombie={}
- geo_zombie['qq']=zombie
- url = urlparse(zombie)
- geo_zombie['city'] = '-'
- geo_zombie['country'] = '-'
- geo_zombie['country_code'] = '-'
- geo_zombie['longitude'] = '-'
- geo_zombie['latitude'] = '-'
- geo_zombie['ip'] = '-'
- geo_zombie['host_name'] = '-'
- geo_zombie['asn'] = '-'
- geo_zombie['latitude'] = '-'
- try:
- ip = socket.gethostbyname(url.netloc)
- except:
- try:
- import dns.resolver
- r = dns.resolver.Resolver()
- r.nameservers = ['', '']
- a = r.query(url.netloc, "A")
- for rd in a:
- ip = str(rd)
- except:
- self._err= "ufomsg('<font color='yellow'>[Error] [AI]</font> GeoIP: hostbyname failed for "+str(url.netloc)+"...')"
- return None
- if ip:
- if re.match(r"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$",ip):
- geo_zombie['ip'] = ip
- try:
- record = self._geoip.record_by_addr(ip)
- except:
- self._err= "ufomsg('<font color='yellow'>[Error] [AI] </font> GeoIP: lookup failed for "+ip+", page reload required...')"
- return None
- try:
- asn = self._geoasn.org_by_addr(ip)
- if asn is not None:
- geo_zombie['asn'] = asn
- except:
- geo_zombie['asn'] = 'No ASN provided'
- try:
- geo_zombie['host_name'] = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0]
- except:
- geo_zombie['host_name'] = 'No hostname'
- try:
- longitude = str(float(record['longitude']))
- geo_zombie['longitude'] = longitude
- latitude = str(float(record['latitude']))
- geo_zombie['latitude'] = latitude
- except:
- pass
- try:
- geo_zombie['country'] = record["country_name"]
- geo_zombie['country_code'] = record["country_code"].lower()
- if record['city'] is not None:
- geo_zombie['city'] = record["city"]
- except:
- pass
- else:
- geo_zombie = None
- return geo_zombie
- def get_js(self,z):
- ret = ""
- gz = self.geo_ip(z)
- if gz is not None and gz['latitude']!= '-':
- ret = "Zombies.add('"+str(z)+"',Array(new L.LatLng("+str(gz['latitude'])+","+str(gz['longitude'])+"),'"+str(gz['city'])+"','"+str(gz['country'])+"','"+str(gz['country_code'])+"','"+str(gz['asn'])+"','"+str(gz['ip'])+"','"+str(gz['host_name'])+"'))\n"
- else:
- ret += "dead_zombies.push('"+z+"')\n"
- ret += "last_zombie = '"+z+"'\n"
- return ret
- def get_next_zombie(self,name):
- if name in self.zombies:
- for z in self.zombies:
- if name == None:
- return z
- if z == name:
- name = None
- return None
- else:
- return self.zombies[0]
- def ajax(self,pGet={}):
- if 'fetchgeoip' in list(pGet.keys()):
- if self.get_status() == "nomap":
- self.download_maps()
- return "[Info] [AI] [Control] Geoip data download! -> [OK!]<br/>"
- if 'stats' in list(pGet.keys()):
- stat='<script>$(".ufo_stat_div").show()</script>'
- if os.path.exists('/tmp/ufonet.html'):
- for x in open(r'/tmp/ufonet.html').readlines():
- stat = stat + x
- else:
- stat="<i>[Info] [AI] [Control] Generating statistics... -> [Waiting!]</i>"
- return stat+"</div>"
- if self.get_status() != "ok":
- dljs=""
- if self.get_status() == "nomap":
- dljs+="$('#ufomsg').load('/js/ajax.js?fetchgeoip=')\n"
- if 'doll' in list(pGet.keys()):
- dljs+="$('#ufomsg').load('/js/ajax.js?fetchdoll="+pGet['doll']+"')\n"
- dljs+="doll=new Doll('"+pGet["doll"]+"')\n"
- return "[Info] [AI] GeoIP data download in progress...<br><i>See console for errors</i>+<script>"+dljs+"</script>"
- if 'zombie' in list(pGet.keys()):
- zn=base64.b64decode(pGet['zombie']).decode('utf-8')
- nzn=self.get_next_zombie(zn)
- if nzn is not None:
- zombie=self.get_js(nzn)
- return """ <script>
- """+str(zombie)+"""
- ufomsg('[Info] [AI] [Control] Adding zombie: """+str(nzn)+"""...')
- </script>"""
- else:
- return "<script>zdone=true\nufomsg('[Info] [AI] [Control] All zombies deployed! -> [OK!]')\n </script>\n"
- if 'fetchdoll' in list(pGet.keys()):
- tn=pGet['fetchdoll']
- target = self.geo_ip(tn)
- if target is None:
- return "doll waiting for geoip data !"
- return """ doll up !<script>
- doll.setData(Array(new L.LatLng("""+str(target['latitude'])+","+str(target['longitude'])+"),'"+target['city']+"','"+target['country']+"','"+target['country_code']+"','"+target['asn']+"','"+target['ip']+"','"+target['host_name']+"'))\nufomsg('[Info] Adding target: """+tn+"""...')\ndoll.show() </script>"""
- if 'doll' in list(pGet.keys()):
- tn=pGet['doll']
- return """<script>
- doll=new Doll('"""+tn+"""')\n</script>"""
- return "\n"