@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter):
self.forwarded_connection = 0
self.other_connection = 0
self.xsr_injection = 0
self.xsa_injection = 0
self.coo_injection = 0
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter):
self.httpsr_found = 0
self.false_positives = 0
self.heuris_hashes = []
self.heuris_backslash_found = 0
self.heuris_une_backslash_found = 0
@@ -756,7 +756,10 @@ class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter):
if not url.endswith("/") and not options.getdata.startswith("/"):
url = url + "/"
target_url = url + options.getdata
- p_uri = urlparse(target_url)
+ if not options.dom:
+ p_uri = urlparse(target_url, allow_fragments=False)
+ else:
+ p_uri = urlparse(target_url, allow_fragments=True)
uri = p_uri.netloc
path = p_uri.path
if not uri.endswith('/') and not path.startswith('/'):
@@ -795,12 +798,14 @@ class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter):
target_url_params = urllib.parse.urlencode(target_params)
if not uri.endswith('/') and not path.startswith('/'):
uri = uri + "/"
- dest_url = p_uri.scheme + "://" + uri + path
+ if path.endswith('/'):
+ path = path.replace('/',"")
+ if not options.getdata:
+ dest_url = url
+ else:
+ dest_url = url + options.getdata
if not "XSS" in dest_url:
- if not dest_url.endswith("/"):
- dest_url = dest_url + "/" + hashed_vector_url
- else:
- dest_url = dest_url + hashed_vector_url
+ dest_url = dest_url + hashed_vector_url
if 'XSS' in dest_url:
dest_url = dest_url.replace('XSS', hashed_vector_url)
@@ -1027,7 +1032,7 @@ class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter):
- self.report("[+] Checking Response Options:", "\n")
+ self.report("\n[+] Checking Response Options:", "\n")
self.report("[+] Url:", self.options.alt)
self.report("[-] Method:", self.options.altm)
if self.options.ald:
@@ -1047,10 +1052,15 @@ class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter):
- self.report("[+] Checking Response Results:", "\n")
- self.report("Searching using", self.options.altm, "for:", orig_hash, "on alternative url")
+ self.report("\n[+] Checking Response Results:", "\n")
+ url_orig_hash = self._ongoing_attacks['url']
+ self.report("Searching using", self.options.altm, "for:", url_orig_hash, "on alternative url\n")
if 'PAYLOAD' in payload['payload']:
- user_attack_payload = payload['payload'].replace('PAYLOAD', orig_hash)
+ user_attack_payload = payload['payload'].replace('PAYLOAD', url_orig_hash)
+ if 'XSS' in payload['payload']:
+ user_attack_payload = payload['payload'].replace('XSS', url_orig_hash)
+ if 'X1S' in payload['payload']:
+ user_attack_payload = payload['payload'].replace('X1S', url_orig_hash)
if self.options.ald:
query_string = self.options.ald
if "VECTOR" in self.options.alt:
@@ -1135,7 +1145,18 @@ class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter):
self.final_hashes[key] = value
- payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("PAYLOAD", key)
+ if "PAYLOAD" in payload["payload"]:
+ payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("PAYLOAD", key)
+ elif "VECTOR" in payload["payload"]:
+ payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("VECTOR", key)
+ elif "XSS" in payload["payload"]:
+ payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("XSS", key)
+ elif "X1S" in payload["payload"]:
+ payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("X1S", key)
+ if key not in current_hashes:
+ self.report(" [ " +key+" ] : [" , value + " ]")
+ self.final_hashes[key] = value
+ current_hashes.append(key)
hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string)
if self.options.Cem:
enc_perm = options.Cem.split(",")
@@ -1198,7 +1219,7 @@ class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter):
if options.postdata:
self.report("[*] Trying: \n\n" + orig_url.strip(), "(POST:", query_string + ")\n")
- self.report("[*] Trying: \n\n" + dest_url.strip() + "\n")
+ self.report("[*] Trying: \n\n" + dest_url.strip()+"\n")
if not self.options.hash and not self.options.script:
if not "XSS" in dest_url or not "X1S" in dest_url and self.options.xsa or self.options.xsr or self.options.coo:
@@ -1220,7 +1241,7 @@ class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter):
self.report("\n[+] Vulnerable(s): \n\n " + payload['browser'] + "\n")
if not self.options.verbose:
self.report("-"*45 + "\n")
if payload['browser']=="[hashed_precheck_system]" or payload['browser']=="[Heuristic test]":
self.check_positives = self.check_positives + 1
elif payload['browser']=="[Data Control Protocol Injection]":
@@ -1720,8 +1741,8 @@ class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter):
value = str(tok_parsed[param_parsed])
if "#http://localhost:19084/success/"+str(hashing) in value:
value = value.replace("#http://localhost:19084/success/"+str(hashing), "")
- if "<script>document.location=document.location.hash.substring(1)</script>" in value:
- value = value.replace("<script>document.location=document.location.hash.substring(1)", "<script src='http://localhost:19084/success/"+str(hashing)+"'>")
+ if "<SCrIpT>document.location=document.location.hash.substring(1)</ScRiPt>" in value:
+ value = value.replace("<SCrIpT>document.location=document.location.hash.substring(1)", "<SCrIpT src='http://localhost:19084/success/"+str(hashing)+"'>")
if "['" in value:
value = value.replace("['", "")
if "']" in value: