#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: """ This file is part of the XSSer project, https://xsser.03c8.net Copyright (c) 2010/2019 | psy xsser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License. xsser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with xsser; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import os, urllib, mimetools, pycurl, re, time, random try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO class Curl: """ Class to control curl on behalf of the application. """ cookie = None dropcookie = None referer = None headers = None proxy = None ignoreproxy = None tcp_nodelay = None xforw = None xclient = None atype = None acred = None #acert = None retries = 1 delay = 0 followred = 0 fli = None agents = [] # user-agents try: f = open("core/fuzzing/user-agents.txt").readlines() # set path for user-agents except: f = open("fuzzing/user-agents.txt").readlines() # set path for user-agents when testing for line in f: agents.append(line) agent = random.choice(agents).strip() # set random user-agent def __init__(self, base_url="", fakeheaders=[ 'Accept: image/gif, image/x-bitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg', 'Connection: Keep-Alive', 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8']): self.handle = pycurl.Curl() self._closed = False self.set_url(base_url) self.verbosity = 0 self.signals = 1 self.payload = "" self.header = StringIO() self.fakeheaders = fakeheaders self.headers = None self.set_option(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0) self.set_option(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0) try: self.set_option(pycurl.SSLVERSION, pycurl.SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2) # max supported version by pycurl except: try: self.set_option(pycurl.SSLVERSION, pycurl.SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1) except: # use vulnerable TLS/SSL versions (TLS1_0 -> weak enc | SSLv2 + SSLv3 -> deprecated) try: self.set_option(pycurl.SSLVERSION, pycurl.SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0) except: try: self.set_option(pycurl.SSLVERSION, pycurl.SSLVERSION_SSLv3) except: self.set_option(pycurl.SSLVERSION, pycurl.SSLVERSION_SSLv2) self.set_option(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 0) self.set_option(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, 50) # this is 'black magic' self.set_option(pycurl.COOKIEFILE, '/dev/null') self.set_option(pycurl.COOKIEJAR, '/dev/null') self.set_timeout(30) self.set_option(pycurl.NETRC, 1) self.set_nosignals(1) def payload_callback(x): self.payload += x self.set_option(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, payload_callback) def header_callback(x): self.header.write(x) self.set_option(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, header_callback) def set_url(self, url): """ Set the base url. """ self.base_url = url self.set_option(pycurl.URL, self.base_url) return url def set_cookie(self, cookie): """ Set the app cookie. """ self.cookie = cookie self.dropcookie = dropcookie if dropcookie: self.set_option(pycurl.COOKIELIST, 'ALL') self.set_option(pycurl.COOKIE, None) else: self.set_option(pycurl.COOKIELIST, '') self.set_option(pycurl.COOKIE, self.cookie) return cookie def set_agent(self, agent): """ Set the user agent. """ self.agent = agent self.set_option(pycurl.USERAGENT, self.agent) return agent def set_referer(self, referer): """ Set the referer. """ self.referer = referer self.set_option(pycurl.REFERER, self.referer) return referer def set_headers(self, headers): """ Set extra headers. """ self.headers = headers self.headers = self.headers.split("\n") for headerValue in self.headers: header, value = headerValue.split(": ") if header and value: self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, (header, value)) return headers def set_proxy(self, ignoreproxy, proxy): """ Set the proxy to use. """ self.proxy = proxy self.ignoreproxy = ignoreproxy if ignoreproxy: self.set_option(pycurl.PROXY, "") else: self.set_option(pycurl.PROXY, self.proxy) return proxy def set_option(self, *args): """ Set the given option. """ apply(self.handle.setopt, args) def set_verbosity(self, level): """ Set the verbosity level. """ self.set_option(pycurl.VERBOSE, level) def set_nosignals(self, signals="1"): """ Disable signals. curl will be using other means besides signals to timeout """ self.signals = signals self.set_option(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, self.signals) return signals def set_tcp_nodelay(self, tcp_nodelay): """ Set the TCP_NODELAY option. """ self.tcp_nodelay = tcp_nodelay self.set_option(pycurl.TCP_NODELAY, tcp_nodelay) return tcp_nodelay def set_timeout(self, timeout): """ Set timeout for requests. """ self.set_option(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT,timeout) self.set_option(pycurl.TIMEOUT, timeout) return timeout def set_follow_redirections(self, followred, fli): """ Set follow locations parameters to follow redirection pages (302) """ self.followred = followred self.fli = fli if followred: self.set_option(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION , 1) self.set_option(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, 50) if fli: self.set_option(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, fli) else: self.set_option(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION , 0) return followred def do_head_check(self, urls): """ Send a HEAD request before to start to inject to verify stability of the target """ for u in urls: self.set_option(pycurl.URL, u) self.set_option(pycurl.NOBODY,1) self.set_option(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1) self.set_option(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, 50) self.set_option(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0) self.set_option(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0) try: self.set_option(pycurl.SSLVERSION, pycurl.SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2) # max supported version by pycurl except: try: self.set_option(pycurl.SSLVERSION, pycurl.SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1) except: # use vulnerable TLS/SSL versions (TLS1_0 -> weak enc | SSLv2 + SSLv3 -> deprecated) try: self.set_option(pycurl.SSLVERSION, pycurl.SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0) except: try: self.set_option(pycurl.SSLVERSION, pycurl.SSLVERSION_SSLv3) except: self.set_option(pycurl.SSLVERSION, pycurl.SSLVERSION_SSLv2) if self.fakeheaders: from core.randomip import RandomIP if self.xforw: generate_random_xforw = RandomIP() xforwip = generate_random_xforw._generateip('') xforwfakevalue = ['X-Forwarded-For: ' + str(xforwip)] if self.xclient: generate_random_xclient = RandomIP() xclientip = generate_random_xclient._generateip('') xclientfakevalue = ['X-Client-IP: ' + str(xclientip)] if self.xforw: self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.fakeheaders + xforwfakevalue) if self.xclient: self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.fakeheaders + xforwfakevalue + xclientfakevalue) elif self.xclient: self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.fakeheaders + xclientfakevalue) if self.headers: self.fakeheaders = self.fakeheaders + self.headers self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.fakeheaders) if self.agent: self.set_option(pycurl.USERAGENT, self.agent) if self.referer: self.set_option(pycurl.REFERER, self.referer) if self.proxy: self.set_option(pycurl.PROXY, self.proxy) if self.ignoreproxy: self.set_option(pycurl.PROXY, "") if self.timeout: self.set_option(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, self.timeout) self.set_option(pycurl.TIMEOUT, self.timeout) if self.signals: self.set_option(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, self.signals) if self.tcp_nodelay: self.set_option(pycurl.TCP_NODELAY, self.tcp_nodelay) if self.cookie: self.set_option(pycurl.COOKIE, self.cookie) try: self.handle.perform() except: return if str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)) in ["302", "301"]: self.set_option(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1) def __request(self, relative_url=None): """ Perform a request and returns the payload. """ if self.fakeheaders: from core.randomip import RandomIP if self.xforw: """ Set the X-Forwarded-For to use. """ generate_random_xforw = RandomIP() xforwip = generate_random_xforw._generateip('') xforwfakevalue = ['X-Forwarded-For: ' + str(xforwip)] if self.xclient: """ Set the X-Client-IP to use. """ generate_random_xclient = RandomIP() xclientip = generate_random_xclient._generateip('') xclientfakevalue = ['X-Client-IP: ' + str(xclientip)] if self.xforw: self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.fakeheaders + xforwfakevalue) if self.xclient: self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.fakeheaders + xforwfakevalue + xclientfakevalue) elif self.xclient: self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.fakeheaders + xclientfakevalue) if self.headers: self.fakeheaders = self.fakeheaders + self.headers self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.fakeheaders) if self.agent: self.set_option(pycurl.USERAGENT, self.agent) if self.referer: self.set_option(pycurl.REFERER, self.referer) if self.proxy: self.set_option(pycurl.PROXY, self.proxy) if self.ignoreproxy: self.set_option(pycurl.PROXY, "") if relative_url: self.set_option(pycurl.URL,os.path.join(self.base_url,relative_url)) if self.timeout: self.set_option(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, self.timeout) self.set_option(pycurl.TIMEOUT, self.timeout) if self.signals: self.set_option(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, self.signals) if self.tcp_nodelay: self.set_option(pycurl.TCP_NODELAY, self.tcp_nodelay) if self.cookie: self.set_option(pycurl.COOKIE, self.cookie) if self.followred: self.set_option(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION , 1) self.set_option(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, 50) if self.fli: self.set_option(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, int(self.fli)) else: self.set_option(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION , 0) if self.fli: print "\n[E] You must launch --follow-redirects command to set correctly this redirections limit\n" return """ Set the HTTP authentication method: Basic, Digest, GSS, NTLM or Certificate """ if self.atype and self.acred: atypelower = self.atype.lower() if atypelower not in ( "basic", "digest", "ntlm", "gss" ): print "\n[E] HTTP authentication type value must be: Basic, Digest, GSS or NTLM\n" return acredregexp = re.search("^(.*?)\:(.*?)$", self.acred) if not acredregexp: print "\n[E] HTTP authentication credentials value must be in format username:password\n" return user = acredregexp.group(1) password = acredregexp.group(2) self.set_option(pycurl.USERPWD, "%s:%s" % (user,password)) if atypelower == "basic": self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_BASIC) elif atypelower == "digest": self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_DIGEST) elif atypelower == "ntlm": self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_NTLM) elif atypelower == "gss": self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, pycurl.HTTPAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE) else: self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPAUTH, None) self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ["Accept:"]) elif self.atype and not self.acred: print "\n[E] You specified the HTTP authentication type, but did not provide the credentials\n" return elif not self.atype and self.acred: print "\n[E] You specified the HTTP authentication credentials, but did not provide the type\n" return #if self.acert: # acertregexp = re.search("^(.+?),\s*(.+?)$", self.acert) # if not acertregexp: # print "\n[E] HTTP authentication certificate option must be 'key_file,cert_file'\n" # return # # os.path.expanduser for support of paths with ~ # key_file = os.path.expanduser(acertregexp.group(1)) # cert_file = os.path.expanduser(acertregexp.group(2)) # self.set_option(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0) # self.set_option(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1) # self.set_option(pycurl.SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE, key_file) # self.set_option(pycurl.CAINFO, cert_file) # self.set_option(pycurl.SSLCERT, cert_file) # self.set_option(pycurl.SSLCERTTYPE, 'p12') # self.set_option(pycurl.SSLCERTPASSWD, '1234') # self.set_option(pycurl.SSLKEY, key_file) # self.set_option(pycurl.SSLKEYPASSWD, '1234') # for file in (key_file, cert_file): # if not os.path.exists(file): # print "\n[E] File '%s' doesn't exist\n" % file # return self.set_option(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0) self.set_option(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0) self.header.seek(0,0) self.payload = "" for count in range(0, self.retries): time.sleep(self.delay) if self.dropcookie: self.set_option(pycurl.COOKIELIST, 'ALL') nocookie = ['Set-Cookie: ', ''] self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, self.fakeheaders + nocookie) try: self.handle.perform() except: return return self.payload def get(self, url="", params=None): """ Get a url. """ if params: url += "?" + urllib.urlencode(params) self.set_option(pycurl.HTTPGET, 1) return self.__request(url) def post(self, cgi, params): """ Post a url. """ self.set_option(pycurl.POST, 1) self.set_option(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, params) return self.__request(cgi) def body(self): """ Get the payload from the latest operation. """ return self.payload def info(self): """ Get an info dictionary from the selected url. """ self.header.seek(0,0) url = self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.EFFECTIVE_URL) if url[:5] == 'http:': self.header.readline() m = mimetools.Message(self.header) else: m = mimetools.Message(StringIO()) #m['effective-url'] = url m['http-code'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)) m['total-time'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.TOTAL_TIME)) m['namelookup-time'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.NAMELOOKUP_TIME)) m['connect-time'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.CONNECT_TIME)) #m['pretransfer-time'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.PRETRANSFER_TIME)) #m['redirect-time'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.REDIRECT_TIME)) #m['redirect-count'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.REDIRECT_COUNT)) #m['size-upload'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.SIZE_UPLOAD)) #m['size-download'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.SIZE_DOWNLOAD)) #m['speed-upload'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.SPEED_UPLOAD)) m['header-size'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.HEADER_SIZE)) m['request-size'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.REQUEST_SIZE)) m['response-code'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.RESPONSE_CODE)) m['ssl-verifyresult'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYRESULT)) m['content-type'] = (self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.CONTENT_TYPE) or '').strip(';') m['cookielist'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.INFO_COOKIELIST)) #m['content-length-download'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD)) #m['content-length-upload'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD)) #m['encoding'] = str(self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.ENCODING)) return m @classmethod def print_options(cls): """ Print selected options. """ print "\nCookie:", cls.cookie print "User Agent:", cls.agent print "Referer:", cls.referer print "Extra Headers:", cls.headers if cls.xforw == True: print "X-Forwarded-For:", "Random IP" else: print "X-Forwarded-For:", cls.xforw if cls.xclient == True: print "X-Client-IP:", "Random IP" else: print "X-Client-IP:", cls.xclient print "Authentication Type:", cls.atype print "Authentication Credentials:", cls.acred if cls.ignoreproxy == True: print "Proxy:", "Ignoring system default HTTP proxy" else: print "Proxy:", cls.proxy print "Timeout:", cls.timeout if cls.tcp_nodelay == True: print "Delaying:", "TCP_NODELAY activate" else: print "Delaying:", cls.delay, "seconds" if cls.followred == True: print "Follow 302 code:", "active" if cls.fli: print"Limit to follow:", cls.fli else: print "Delaying:", cls.delay, "seconds" print "Retries:", cls.retries, "\n" def answered(self, check): """ Check for occurence of a string in the payload from the latest operation. """ return self.payload.find(check) >= 0 def close(self): """ Close the curl handle. """ self.handle.close() self.header.close() self._closed = True def __del__(self): if not self._closed: self.close()