en.php 992 B

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * English language translation.
  4. */
  5. $english = array(
  6. 'mentions:notification:subject' => '%s mentioned you in %s',
  7. 'mentions:notification:body' => '%s mentioned you in %s.
  8. To see the full post, click on the link below:
  9. %s
  10. ',
  11. 'mentions:notification_types:object:blog' => 'a blog post',
  12. 'mentions:notification_types:object:bookmarks' => 'a bookmark',
  13. 'mentions:notification_types:object:groupforumtopic' => 'a group discussion post',
  14. 'mentions:notification_types:object:discussion_reply' => 'a group discussion reply',
  15. 'mentions:notification_types:object:thewire' => 'a wire post',
  16. 'mentions:notification_types:object:comment' => 'a comment',
  17. 'mentions:settings:send_notification' => 'Send a notification when someone @mentions you in a post?',
  18. // admin
  19. 'mentions:fancy_links' => 'Replce @mentions with a small picture of the user in addition to the user\'s name',
  20. 'mentions:settings:failed' => 'Could not save mentions settings.'
  21. );
  22. add_translation("en", $english);