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  2. nick: psy (epsylon)
  3. <>
  4. web:
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  6. code:
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  10. software/projects:
  11. - Anarcha-Pragmatism: Intellectual model (and movement) based on the culture of the "action/reaction".
  12. - AnonTwi: Tool for OAuth2 applications (such as: GNUSocial, Twitter) that provides different layers of privacy/encryption.
  13. - BrAInStocker: Tool to predict (using Linear Regression) the next number within a series of random numbers.
  14. - Bordercheck: Tool to visualize 'real-time' on a world map the geolocation of data when surfing the web.
  15. - CIntruder: Tool to bypass captchas using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) bruteforcing methods.
  16. - Collatz: Tool to simulate the Collatz's conjeture.
  17. - DiaNA: Tool for the search and recognition of patterns in DNA sequences.
  18. - DieKunstDerFuge: Video on different topics related to hacktivism recorded during 2013 from an intimate narrative perspective.
  19. - ECOin: Crypto-currency with the goal of providing a long-term energy-efficient digital economy strategy.
  20. - Euler-Bricks: Tool to simulate the Euler's conjeture.
  21. - FuzzSSH: Tool to detect SSH (protocol) vulnerabilities.
  22. - Goldbach: Tool to simulate the Goldbach's conjeture.
  23. - Lorea: Social networking autonomous project to build a distributed, encrypted and federated network.
  24. - Neuralia: Neural Network that tries to learn and reply the correct answer.
  25. - NoINIW-2051: Shell-based CyberPunk m-RPG videogame.
  26. - Orb: Tool for massive footprinting.
  27. - PandeMaths: Tool that simulates a mathematical model of pandemics.
  28. - pArAnoIA-Browser: Tool designed to surf the Internet using some "paranoic" methods.
  29. - Prommetrix: Tool to obtain relevant information from the instances of 'Node Exporter' executed by 'Prometheus'.
  30. - Propagare: Tool for extraction, organization and semantic analysis of newspapers.
  31. - PyAISnake: Tool to train AI models on solve spatial problems through the classic video game "snake".
  32. - PyDog4Apache: Tool to sneak logs from Apache web server.
  33. - Smuggler: Tool to detect and exploit HTTP Smuggling vulnerabilities.
  34. - SolarNET.HuB: A sustainable multilayer tool-artifact for data privacy and project networking.
  35. - TheHackerStyle: A weekly video broadcast related to technology and "hacker culture".
  36. - UFONet: Denial of Service [DDoS & DoS attacks] Toolkit (a botnet of botnets).
  37. - XSSer: Automatic -framework- to detect, exploit and report XSS vulnerabilities.
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  39. BTC:
  40. 19aXfJtoYJUoXEZtjNwsah2JKN9CK5Pcjw
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